- H-78
- Nag 75k
- Nightmare
- Second Stab
- Early Psycho
2005 Psycho
4 Stamp NM78
Anything JC touches
1 KH Rare
3 Certain smaller, proper proportioned copies of the H78
4 Psycho
5 NONMM78 original run
honorable mention, NAG 2K Kirk [I realize it’s not a Myers, hence the honorable mention]
I’m surprised there isn’t more H78’s in this thread, well heres a few pictures of mine just in case the mask makes the artical. I think it should, the H78 is a great mask.
I know there are a lot of great masks but your asking OF ALL TIME got me thinking about the entire history of masks over the fifteen years or so. I know you were around back then, Booman, so I hope you’re taking these into consideration. I spent some time thinking and I would say the top influential masks of all time would be:
Sean Clark’s original recasted 75 Kirk. A lot of people say Darkside Paul’s DARK SHAPE or Justin’s SHAPE 2000 was the first inde mask but this came years before either and certainly planted the seed. True, McCain has a mask in the 80s but it didn’t kick start the hobby like Sean’s mask did. Sean’s mask was THE talk of old Halloween message boards back when Clark sold them in the back of Fangoria magazines. I got one and was blown away. However, due to it being a recast it was too small to be worn. Back then there were a few artists who were “converters” who you would hire them to hair and paint Don Post masks, Shatners, etc. Their work on Sean Clark’s recast made some unreal looking masks for the 1990s. These masks were eventually recast and enlarged by Mask Maker Production to create, most famously, the Unleashed 75, St8up Evil, etc., etc.
Samhain by MMP. Love them or hate them, The Mask Maker, Gary Phillips, held close to 100% of the market at one time. Due to a fiasco over the “HE” mask John Smith sculpted the SAMHAIN mask for Gary for FREE. This mask sold in the zillions. I live in a mountain town of Colorado and saw a kid at a costume contest wearing one that year. It was a HUGE mask. The MMP prototype seen here.
The KH/DW Mask. Ken Hertlein was known for his famous “Rare” Myers mask featured originally on “Steve Todd’s PICS”. Jim “Steve Todd” Harville hosted the pictures with a promise from Ken that if he did so, he would send him a free copy. This never happened. Ken became a sort of cult hero among the many Myers fans looking for a dead on accurate Myers, and to many of them his “Rare” mask was just that. For the KH/DW Ken made a clay press of his original “Rare” mask. He then proceeded to change a few details and formations on the sculpt to make the look of the mask more HalloweeN II. Ken also was given the chance to see the actual Halloween II mask in person where he had the opportunity to take many images from all angles. So you can understand how the mask came out to be so accurate to the movie’s mask. Originally Ken was commissioned to make one hundred of these masks, but for some reason only a little over 30 were ever produced. Production abruptly stopped on October 1st, 2002. The mask was to be followed up by the sale of Halloween II style coveralls. Since the mask production ceased early, these coveralls were never made available.
I also think that the entire Myers mask community owes a huge thank you to Billy Kirkus. Even if you are a newer artist to the scene you only had a scene to come to because of what Billy brought to the world when he allowed Justin to press his original Kirk mask. With out this happening, 90% of the masks we all know and love would not be; Psycho, NMM and all incarnations, Warlock, Nemesis, Nightmare, etc., etc. Billy also kind of got screwed on this as he was essentially cut out from a lot of the masks that were produced from his mask. Myers has always been a heart breaker. Thanks, Billy, for the possibilities you allowed!
Looking forward to reading your retrospective, Booman. The most accurate mask, in my opinion, has not yet been released. You will all see it soon though, stand tuned !
Guys I can’t thank each of you for taking the time to help us with this. Our heads are spinning over here and Brackett I am right there with you my man. I thought immediately about Sean’s small 75. You almost can’t have the list without mentioning it. This may grow into a top 10 list, lol! We will see, I would really like to keep it at 5 though (maybe we can have one of you guys do a history of later on) we just want to show off the best of best I think for now.
Thanks again and the more the merrier, it will help us whittle things down. Thanks again to all of you!!!
I have a feeling Sam’s new 75 kirk project will fit nicely into the top five when complete.
So many of you have hit on basically the same lists I want to say. Also, I can merely speculate as to what something would look like in converted form, so I leave that one be for the moment. Therefore I can only HONESTLY speak for the masks I’ve actually owned & held in my hands or worn over my head. As biased as it may be or seem, it’s just what I’ve “experienced.”
1.) H-78
2.) Nightmare
3.) Fear
4.) Classic 75
5.) Warlock
4 Stamp NMM 78
Early run Psycho
Top 5 masks IMO.
4 stamp nmm78
DB2 converted by Colin
NAG Cover Mask
Original Run Psycho
NAG/AHG Nik’s conversion H1
Second Stab
Original CGP Warlock W/ blood tears
some of those NAG rare-rarer
NAG/JC Nightmare
4 Stamp NMM78/81
Early Psycho
I’m sure the HMK will be on the list once it’s released.
I’ve been on this site for years and I’ve never heard of “4 Stamp NMM78” and I had a NMM78. Did I miss something? What is the 4 Stamp about?
It’s the original small run of the NMM78/81. Those are the only ones that had the four stamps on the back of the neck. Later ones had two stamps, one stamp and no stamps. I’ve owned all of those and the original 4 stamp run had something very different about them. One is in my avatar.
In no particular order…
You have to give it to select copies of the H78. There are things that I don’t like about that mask but you can’t argue the effect it gives off when worn.
KH/DW. This is a mask every Myers collector needs to hold in their hands at least once. It can look so-so in pics but when sitting in front of you and most importantly stuffed correctly, it is lights out.
Justin’s 4 stampers have the definition that the later runs seemed to lose. I was in on the original run but missed out on the four stampers when Justin started to have problems with the molds breaking down. The copy I received was nice but nothing like the first batch.
DB2’s are another mask that looks better in person. It has it’s con’s as well but the pro’s far outweigh them. The Myers version is to this point the best H1 I’ve owned. I love the detail in the cheek area and the pulls are flawless.
Although I have not held these in my hand yet, The HMK looks to be amazing. The Myers video on Bry’s facebook site is what sold me on the set. I watched that video over and over for a good half hour trying to find something off to avoid forking out 2 K but I just couldn’t find a fault. Has an H1 feel like no other.
Got to throw Nik’s 2k in here as well. It could very easily be the best original sculpt to date…extremely vintage looking.
Are these going to be a limited run?