Got my recent score on a pair of tradewear coveralls in and they are THE ones. Every last stitch matches and the best part- it’s the correct color too!!! Worn pics coming soon!!!
Goddamn it man…so much envy, congrats!!
Were these on eBay? What colour are they listed as.
I have been looking so hard for a set of Tradewears also, I know i’ll get lucky eventually.
Thanks to both of you! They were on etsy and they were listed as “dark green”. It has a lot of grey in it, I now know exactly why TLW described it as a “smoked out grey green”, fits that to “t”.
Thank you all! I really appreciate it!
I would die! haha, I’d love to show him in general and discuss it, what an honor that would be!
Agreed, plus I had a thought for the Definitive thread, you could add Alternate Coverall options that are accurate to the make and model pair used in the films and what can be done to make them close to the ones in the movie