The warlock

Is the warlock an acurate halloween 2 mask

The warlock is by far one of the best H2’s.Being a member since 2007 I figured you would have known this.Not trying to be ugly.Sorry if it sounds this way

I was just wondering if the devious v1 is better

I like them both.Either one would be an awesome score

I prefer the Warlock, but wait a bit and you can buy a sequel from me :slight_smile:

Thanks for the help

And I also got a mask from my friend called michaeL made by kreation x

hey bro, is the sequel look really h2 in person, cause in the pics u cant really tell all that well, some good some bad u know??? :smiley:

This is about as H2 as you can get IMO

Yeah when its worn and you have a good copy it has the H2 look thats in some of the scenes. For example when Michael is knocking down the door then stabs Dr. Loomis. It looks great in person. Are you interested in one?

cool man! yeah i was thinking bout getting one.

Warlock is my only mask. I love it! It’s really accurate.

What happend to Terry from cgp

No doubt .I think thats the best warlock around

you joined in 2007 and don’t know anything about terry and cgp??? come one man :confused:

you have seen pics of both…why are you asking?

You could do better than a NM78 recast.

Warlock is one of the best, if not the best, H2 masks around.

The Warlock is indeed a killer mask and very accurate, but I would have to go with a KH/DW first.

I still say the 'lock is the cream of the crop. Too much dough for the old KH that everyone bows to. Can’t see it. More hype than anything going on with that mask.