Thin spot of latex... leave it alone or fix?

I noticed that the chin area of my Myers Mask has this thin spot of latex. It doesn’t deform the mask in any way. Should I leave it be or do something about it? Also, is this common in latex masks?

I’ve noticed it to be pretty common in the chin area. If it’s good latex from an indie artist no big deal to leave it alone, if it’s a mass produced latex piece i’d say fix it.

It is a TOTS Kirk. How would I go about fixing it?

That is from bubbles in the latex as it cures. Only way to try and fix it is by filling in those pockets with raw latex… problem is it may not stick well to already cured latex.

Yea raw latex but it could be tricky.

Okay I’ll just leave it then… thanks!

if you scrub it clean and get it really clean, then brushing some raw liquid latex over it will fill in the holes.

Latex bonds to latex very well as long as it’s clean. It’s why you have to powder a mask before you pull it out of the mold or it will stick to itself and you can ruin the mask (can’t unstick it) .

I don’t mind it the way it is as long as it doesn’t rot or anything before the rest of the mask

clean it out really well (sweat is acidic) and powder the inside with corn starch and keep it away from heat and sunlight and it should last a good long time.

This is correct. I’ve done it many times. Works every time.

I’m guessing humidity would be bad for it too?

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Can’t imagine it would be good.

I keep mine covered in clear plastic bags (so I can see them), in a basement. It’s dry and cool down there.

Unless those irregularities are transparent and paper thin, I don’t think you have anything to worry about. I had a TOTS Kirk, and if I remember correctly, they’re cast decently thick.