This kid is sorely mistaken.

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

funny thing is I have a copy of that mask, the only flaw is they left out the green like the one in the movie, I was thinkin about repainting mine to match!

That is funny, there must be 20 of us on here that have that mask…myself included!!

How ridiculous.

And he spelled Carpenter wrong as well

Screenused? :open_mouth:


I guess I have a screenused mask too. :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

lol it must be worth alot of money, ask him if he wants to buy yours lol


Do you have info on that mask, i heard it was made in france, and thats all i no…thanks

that kid is a member, his name is screamfan001, lol, i told him, it wasnt screenused, but he insisted on thinking its screenused :laughing: :laughing:

You just have to let some people live in their own little world…

ive told people on told people on here about this kid he thinks all his stuff is screenused there, here and on youtube

Unfortunately I don’t know much about it either. I know it was made in France and that it is often listed as “vintage” so I’m guessing it was a 70’s-80’s mask but that is PURE speculation.

The mask is not that close to the Halloween clown mask. I actually bought mine from Billy Kirkus (who may have more info about these) to see if I could try and convert it.

The truth is there are VERY few similarities in this mask and the H1 clown.

It’s best to get the facts straight before posting something. You can’t fool us.


i found one that KINDA looks like it on

also they have a clown mask with red curly hair like in h8.

Indeed, but like someone else stated, somtimes you just have too let people live in their little bubble :laughing:


wow that looks nothing like the clown mask. I thought the mask used in the movie only coverd the eyes not the whole face!!!

I believe your thinking of Jamie’s mask in Halloween 4…