This mask fits so perfect! I’m impressed!!

Say what you will about the most recent Halloween movie but this mask is the only mask that fits me perfectly! Thank you James Jude for having a tiny Mellon like my own lol!! Also, the latex seems thinner on this one than the non damaged one, which I quite like!!

Looks good man, congrats on it fitting so well. These masks are too tiny for me but you pull off the look well

Cool. Lookin good! :rock:

That H40 mask looks great on you! As for the mask itself I think it’s great they came out with it. It’s in the movie for a few seconds but hey…it’s screen accurate then. And who knows could be worth something down the road as are most things that people don’t take a liking to and they become far and wide.

Thanks all!! This community is just amazing!! Yeah, the reason I got this one is I figure if there is a sequel, and they’re probably will be, the mask will look more like this than the original.

I have one on the way :jack_o_lantern::+1:

Awesome!! I can’t wait to see your Academy Award winning shots!!! :jack_o_lantern:

Haha!! Lookin for it to be a display piece more than anything but we’ll see what happens I guess. This mask is growing on me. My 4th fave. H1, 2, H20 (Winston version only) and then this one :myers:

OK…you guys are about to make me pull the trigger on one! I was hesitant but it is a mask seen in the movie if only a few secs but it is the mask in the finale !!

Cool! Good Lord there are some duds in the mask history ! Lmao

Yeah, it really is the closest to the original hero in my opinion. The rob zombie one was pretty close too but this one is SO close! I find it interesting that they took some liberties with the original design like I think I recall them saying that they drooped the eyes a bit like the emet Kelly mask I believe bc they liked the slightly sad expression. Really interesting. Also interesting is how they stuffed it differently in different scenes to make it evolve in appearance over the course of the film. It’s funny bc every time I watch the new movie the more I seem to like it… different than many on here who seem to like it less with multiple viewings.

I know what you mean. The only look I truly didn’t care for was the sad look he had when he was caged & looking up the stairs. Just my opinion but I don’t like the sad, sorry look. Not for Myers

:laughing: :mrgreen: Thank God they grabbed the Kirk

I hear ya. He gonna put in his angry eyes for the sequel! Lol

BWAHAHA!!! He won’t need a knife with that Vulcan neck pinch!! Lol

:laughing: :wink:

This poster app is fun!!

One thing I noticed about the h18 mask… the lowest hairline on the neck is too low. If you get rid of that line of hair the mask looks more movie accurate. It seems like Tots do that with most of their masks

That poster with the “bloody” version mask looks “killer”…no pun intended!! :axe:

Haha… thanks!!