TOTS 1978 mask teaser

Posted by Justin a bit ago, a teaser for the 78 mask that TOTS will be producing
Screen Shot 2019-01-16 at 4.44.43 pm.jpg

From this angle it has a night owl maniac vibe

Not bad at all!



Yeah I was just looking at the gallery and it definitely looks like that. I see some maniac too. A mix of both

Looks like a Thrasher…speaking of…is there a reason NO Thrasher isn’t in the gallery???

Looks great, but I hope it doesn’t end up having an angry expression. I like the Maniac, but the angry look works better for H2 than H1 in my opinion.

Mabry answered the sizing question on FB too - “Bigger than the Elrod, not quite as big as the H2 Deluxe”.

Yep, I asked him about it

I hope it fits me like the H18 did, best fitting mask I have ever had. Like a glove.

looks good from this picture, but since people already asked about the size this particular answer really makes me laugh a bit :laughing:
Senza titolo-1.jpg

Yeah, I asked him tgat about 2 months ago and he replied the same thing. lol

I’ve been out of the loop since before the holidays,
are tots doing an H2 also?
That crap of an H2 they currently have is hideous. Sorry, not trying to stir.

Hard to tell since the picture is edited like hell. But it looks like a retooled Maniac to me. Which isn’t a bad thing. But there’s no way in hell the mask is going to look anything like that picture.

Oh well… too big for me. I actually had an Elrod and it was too big for me. Hell, the tots Kirk is even a bit big. The only one that fit well was the tots h18. I even had the kids size H2 and that was just a bit too snug

If it’s larger than an elrod but tighter than an H2 it must be something like the hospital mask, is the H2 deluxe 25 or 24?

Exactly this, picture looks real good…that wont be the mask they release

I get that this is a tease, but I’d rather see it at a straight-on angle with better lighting. Can’t wait to see full photos, and then see the downgrade as to what people receive. Hopefully TOTS learned their lesson from the 2018 mask. Don’t advertise something to look better than what you receive!

We can all be assured the hair will be hidious crap.

Here’s a semi-better picture from Justin’s instagram