Tots 2018 mask rip off!!

Wow your one and only post to come exclaim your so insanely happy to have bought an H40 from someone… hmmmmm :laughing:

Anytime brother !
And thanks for the compliment about my channel haha
Post some pics of it when you can, we would all love to see some more of it :slight_smile:

I usually don’t comment on this kind of stuff but if you think you got a “Bargain”by paying 3k for this mask you are sadly mistaken but to each his own it’s your money.

all I was trying to get across is the value of a mask is determined by us the collectors, and right now a special T.O.T.S repaint is going for a lot of money… it was incredibly expensive but if I wanted it I was going to have to pay for it. Considering JC copy just sold for 3.5k I do feel it was a good deal in terms of how much they are going for.

The funny thing is, this guy paid $3000 while I paid $60. Both are from the exact same mold, one just has a little different paint job. That to me is hilarious! I wish I had $3000 to just waste like that!

I look at it as artwork, if I was to purchase 2 $20 canvas and I painted a picture and then a professional artist painted another picture mine would be horrible and prolly would not sell even tho they both were $20! I’ll leave it at that. We all love Michael Myers and what is a rip off to some is not to others and that’s what makes this hobby great! We all have different taste and preferences. If we were all the same everyone’s collection would be the exact same and that would be boring!

I honestly saw someone on FB who bought the new mask for $60 but said it was to small. He had it for sale On his FB page for $120 two days later, and someone bought it… SMH.

I get what you’re saying, and would even see the point if you were paying a few hundred dollars more. However, $3000 is just beyond silly to me unless it was a screen used or something special edition. In reality, it’s just a re-haul of a $60 mask. The work of art began at the sculpt. That’s the $60 part. So, you got charged $2940 for a few hours of labor, new paint, and new hair. Unless I’m missing something. Hey, if it is something you really had to have and had the disposable income to get this mask, good on you. It’s your money and you have to live with those decisions. However, at the end of the day, if someone were to look at my mask and your mask, the reaction would be about the same, “Hey! It’s Michael Myers! Cool!” The sculpts are the same. Your mask will just look a little bit better, but I am assuming you won’t be wearing it after paying $3000. Which means the only people to see it are you and people close to you. Anyways, I’m done commenting on the matter. I am happy for you that you got something that you really want, but you will never be able to convince me that you got a great value, when I have the same mask for $60.

Yeah that’s wack, especially when you can get a very nice indie for way cheaper

It’s crazy what this hobby has come to. smh

I thought that specific painting looked quite good at first however after seeing the movie and further pictures of the mask in daylight it’s not screen accurate at all.

I don’t know what’s up with that specific reference picture used, maybe colored lighting or color correction on the image itself but it’s ways off.

To reach their own though.

EDIT: I just watched the video of that specific mask and it appears better than the images. Almost appeared to have blue hues in some of the pictures I saw.