TOTS 2018 that fits

To my surpise, I woke up to a refund from Party City for the 4 masks they owed me. Apparently they aren’t getting a restock even though for weeks they’ve been telling me to wait for their next shipment. Well, I found one that fit finally at Spirit
2018-10-11 00.03.30.jpg

It doesn’t need a repaint at all either, in my opinion, it looks great!

Great copy

What the fuck. Some of these copies have looked absolutely sick! That’s one of the best I’ve seen. Congrats!

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Hell yeah! Looks great. Nice shirt as well bud :slight_smile:

Appreciate it guys!! I’ve all but given up hope on my preorder and was hearbroken at the Party City email but this made my day! My head is 24.5" so I couldn’t believe it fit so well either. And thank you I feel I lucked out as well I don’t think I’m going to even touch this copy!