This is my first ever mask project, and first post as well.
A few weeks ago I purchased the TOTS H2 mask from my local Spirit Halloween. But I never really liked the color of the mask. So I decided to do a repaint. After a little research, I decided to try rubber cement paint. I thought it would be a little more foolproof than acrylics and liquid latex.
Everything was going well, until I started the weathering. I practically turned the mask black lol. So, I decided to use some thinner to remove the paint and just start over. As I was using the thinner, I found I liked the color that was coming out. I just rubbed it down some more and added a few highlights to the cheeks and mouth with a makeup brush.
I styled the hair with some gel. Then I used black Halloween hair spray to darken it a little, and blow dryed it. The hair is stiff as can be now lol.
I’m actually pretty happy with how it turned out. I’m letting it dry some, and then I’m going to apply some rubber cement sealer. Needless to say, if I ever decide to do another repaint, I’m gonna invest in an airbrush and learn more about latex and acrylics!
I’ve attached a before and after photo.