TOTS H4 Laser Scanned Screen Used Mask

So I was looking at TOTS’ Instagram and I found this. What do yall think? Personally, I think this is amazing, I mean come on you get the screen used mold from the Halloween 4 mask for $60! The only time you could get something like that was with the Damned 88, and we all know how rare and expensive those are.

Knowing tots that could be a lie, but if it isnt that’s gonna be so cool. Laser scanned h4 for 60 bucks? Sign me up. Let’s just hope the h18 incident doesnt repeat itself.

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Well they weren’t lying about the h18 mask being the screen used mold, the only problem was the paint jobs. I can honestly forgive them for that since it’s a $60 mask, after a repaint you can clearly see that it’s the real deal. Since the h4 is just plain white I think we’re gonna get a really accurate mask.
I guess we’ll just have to see when tots releases their catalog in January.

I believe it is laser scanned. Chris’s good friend , owns a screen used H4 mask.

pretty sure paul knot owns it?

Pretty excited for these h4’s, and it’d be pretty hard to mess up an h4 paint-job since in the movie it looks like they just put a thick coat of stock white on it.

The H4 is a really sloppy mask so maybe they can get it right by chance [emoji23][emoji23]

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if its being laser scanned off Pauls screen used that will kill a lot of the value on the SPH4 masks people were buying. Get one of those for 60 strip it down and paint it how you want BOOM

Sounds awesome if this is true!

it was just a (badly) recast Kirk. laserscanning seems like overkill. Any Kirk can make a decent part 4. Just get the hair and eyecuts right.

…I mean…not trying to be a Debby Downer, it’s neat and all.

I mean yeah sure a kirk can make a decent a H4 but it’s not THE H4, also chances are they’re using Paul Knot’s cast so it won’t really be overkill. And It being a bad recast of a Kirk is what makes it the H4. If they just used a kirk it wouldn’t be authentic imo. I mean there’s a reason why people want a Damned 88 over just a converted Kirk.

Yup, that’s Paul’s copy.

Yeah I know what I mean by the h18 incident was the shoty preorders, awful costumer service, and masks that differed greatly. Cant wait to see the h4 and h5 they come out with, I’m hoping the h5 especially comes out well.

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Paul’s mask is incredible. Just this one comment alone, I think could cause Paul to back out of any deal.

The value of this mask and the 18 mask, is of course their lineage, not how they are finished.

I wasn’t knocking Paul’s mask, the H4 in general is just a sloppy mask :laughing:

Laser scanned H4 mask? Now THAT makes me moist

Hell yeah!

I really hope, they release it screenused like, not only the look it has nowadays…

I sure hope this is true!