I know this question probably sounds dumb but bare with me. Douse anybody know how I can get a H40 Blank? Or a mask with hair but no paint. I have no time between 2 jobs and kids to strip the paint on the mask but I do want to paint another one. If anybody can help please let me know.
Trick or Treat Studios 2018 Myers
Not that I know of, and from my experience, artists would rather not strip these. I actually stripped mine done to about 25% left by hand. It is not easy. You’d probably be better with a stock mask, but there are a few artists out there who will strip them. You can always drybrush your latex paint mix over a stock mask, as this is what most people seem to do. Hope this helped!
Sorry to tell you this, because I was wondering the same thing a while back, but no.
Remzap86 (One of the best Rehaulers out there) asked TOTS about a blank, they said no.
I honestly don’t get it, 90% of the people who get the mask repaint it anyways or send it to someone else. It would save time and money if TOTS offered an option to purchase a blank.
TOTS doesn’t, and won’t, provide blanks of any of their sculpts. Your best bet is eBay but honestly people charge more for blanks than the mask itself. I know it’s a nuisance but it is definitely more efficient to strip the mask yourself if you plan on doing a full rehaul. When you have time just work your way in on the paint while watching TV or anything. A dremel should help some to loosen the paint and some copies it comes off easier than others. If you really can’t make time, you could send it off to a guy like Rowland and pay him just to strip it for you
Yeah I was afraid there was no other way. The first one I did I went over the stock paint and I was not fully happy with it. I might end up sending it off to get stripped. Between 2 jobs and 2 kids I just don’t have the time to do it myself. Thanks for the Help guys.
Not TOTS, but you might ask Pilcrows Monster Shop on Etsy about a blank. His stuff’s good.
Was going to consider it but I really want to get the tots just due to the mold.
Yeah that’s understandable.
I know this question probably sounds dumb but bare with me. Douse anybody know how I can get a H40 Blank? Or a mask with hair but no paint. I have no time between 2 jobs and kids to strip the paint on the mask but I do want to paint another one. If anybody can help please let me know.
Trick or Treat Studios 2018 Myers
I just bought a dremel because I attempted to paint mine and failed. The artist in gonna send it to, Rezmap wants it stripped first. So that what I’m literally doing now. If you want me to strip yours, pm me