TOTS Kirk Version 2

Basically Finished my 2nd Kirk Conversion :myers: . Getting closer and closer to an H1 Look, I was kind of fooling around with this one a bit. Just gotta finish the hair tomorrow. I’ll update this with more costume pictures after the weekend. Thank you all for the helpful suggestions and help as well. Couldn’t do it without y’all. Cheers. Black Red Kaps for the coveralls. I’m always open to suggestions on how to improve my future masks too :rock:

Keep at it man!!

Why is the paint already crackling/peeling?

Looks more like the jigsaw puppet, lol. Why is he smiling? He’s got that Mona Lisa smirk going on.

You know I can’t figure that one out tbh. I used a 1:1 ratio of acrylic and Liquid Latex and have never had any issues till this mask. I just went with it though.

Haha Mona Lisa. That’s funny. I strangely enjoy the smartass smirk he has going on tbh :joy:.

I would suggest using grays, blues and browns in various shades (start lighter and darken bit at a time) instead of straight black for the shadows/weathering

Thank you, I will most def. try that after I sand the paint off this weekend.