I’m trying to figure out which way to make a sequel to RZH2, should I follow the directors cut, have laurie dead but keep Loomis alive (he only got stabbed once), or the theatrical and have Loomis dead and keep Laurie?
I feel there is NO way to follow it up. I myself began to try to write one and while i based mine of off the theatrical, since that is the one audiences saw. But after the directors cut i felt satisfied with the ending to his story.
if I was a writer and i HAD to write a H3 with no other option it would go like this…
i would have kept the H2 theatrical ending…
it would either be michael killin everyone only in the end to find its laurie
OR laurie could clearly be the killer but she would hate michael even more in this one an every murder she commits she is envisioning killing michael but never succeeds until the last kill…she murders everyone an realizes michael wont die in her head an he will always haunt her so when she kills her self right before she dies she succeeds in her vision of killing michael
yea, i actually felt the same way after seeing it. for the 1st time i thought it’d be ok if they don’t make another sequel. but this is just for a little film me and my buddies are making, but i still want to make it the best it could be.
only thing is Michael needs to be the focus. if i go with the theatrical and keep Laurie alive, I’ll probably continue down the route of michael reuniting and them joining forces in a way.
but if I keep Loomis alive, I may go with Michael trying to go after Loomis, but idk
but now I just realized i can’t have either Loomis or Laurie because I dont have the actors
sadly with the theatrical, the only thing i could come up with is Laurie in the sanitarium, Michael in a federal prison where he is being observed because for whatever reason he does not succumb to his wounds and is still alive and no one can figure out why, but once you get that far into it, it becomes even less of a HALLOWEEN movie…
The more I think about it, the more I realize that I think the story is completely finished. But for my short little movie, I may then just go down the route of he enjoys killing on Halloween. Or, the only family member that can be explored is somehow he tries to find his father, but i don’t know how well that can be executed. Or possibly his mom had another child before Judith that she gave up for adoption he’s tries to find. I don’t know I’m just throwing out ideas at this point
dude u gots to go wild, theres an explanation for everything…i have a fan film an ill tell you dude some people are either gonna LOVE or HATE this ending its wild.
I have actually start to write a novell, I’m going after the theatrical ending with Laurie alive and Loomis dead.
The novell starts one year after H2 and now Laurie is in a Mental Hospital locked in from the society just like her brother was. The caracter Barbara Collier returns as Lauries personal doctor, Laurie is very mentaly fucked up and she continue to just go deeper and deeper down in her madness of destruction. She sees her mother who tells her thats Michael is coming for her. Is it all in her mind or is Michael really out there looking for her?
The story will go on for about two years… The first Halloween after H2 Laurie just keeps her mouth shut, dosnt speak a word. The second and last not so silent… She thinks thats he is coming for her and maybe he is.
Its really hard to come up with something good but I do my best, when I’m done I might post it right here on M-M.net, it might take a while becuse I must translate it from swedish to English
yeah its pretty out of control…its a remake of h1 but totally different in some ways…and i had an idea for a remake long before i heard of rob doin it… but we used the RZ get up for the child…mask situation is all being re shot (except for child scenes those masks remain)…heres the teaser
thank ya…it is pretty outrageous…but in the end it all boiled down to michael myers trying to relive the night he first killed his sister…its cool when he gets older he does these things an gets flash backs to when he was a kid…when he gets his mask again is especially a fun one…similar to RZ’s but beleive it or not we had the idea thats in our flick now before anyone…which would be michael digging his mask up in a backyard which is stored in a little lock box. not rzs i know but somewhat the same