So i was bored and googled latex mask and this site popped up, seems to be a European company but they have two pretty decent myers mask available, heres the link the other mask im referring to they call “Bad Guy” lower right corner…anybody ever seen these?? I think the first looks like it has a little H20 or Resurrection feel to it
It’s a KreationX Xombie.
what about the other one they have that looks like an H20/Ressurection mixture??
their masks are way overpriced, lol, but they have some other cool masks, Z
Yeah Drens right
yeah, i live in the uk and i have stumbled across this site before, and the first mask which looks like resurrection is a mystery to me too, i have never seen it before, i think it is like h1/h8 combo. and yes, the site is way too expensive, i mean it has a don post 2008 with molded hair for £20, thats like $30! i’d rather stick with ebay!
Yeah dude , ive seen that mask in person…im meaning the xombie…the guy from my haunted attraction bought one from ebay from this site…they hair it badly , it falls out with the slightest touch and they paint it yellow…not worth it , unless you plan on it getting rehaired/repainted…and the other mask appears to be a ul75