I have two new scores that are on their way now! I cant wait to reciever them, as soon as i do i will get maybe some costume shots!
Nightowl Lunatic Proto( one in the gallery with the door in background)
CGP Early Run Warlock by Terry
I just recieved the masks in today! And wow the warlock is jaw dropping!! and the lunatic is amazing too! heres a pic of them displayed, I dont have my stand yet for my scalpel, i should have it in like a week or two, Thanks again Paul ( crofader)
Very nice scores!! I was gonna get that Warlock from Paul (crofader),but with me being so picky and Paul being the honest guy he is and letting me know the Warlock wasn’t absolutely mint, I passed on it. I kinda regret it now, never the less, congrats bro.