Uk people, be very carefull where you buy H2 Blu-Ray. I have seen on loads of sites that H2 Blu-Ray is region Free BUT some sites like are shipping out the canadian version of the film and it’s REGION 1 LOCKED i am so pissed, i just sat down to watch the special features and Arghhhhhhh. I am not a happy bunny.
hey man i have this but i have two region free players if you buy the limit blu ray player you can make it region free its 50 quid and type in a code will play US blu rays.
its 70 quid on their site. id pick one up
wow ive never heard of region free or locked dvds. i always figured it was the same thing. i would be pissed too if i could see the special features.
That sucks bro.
What site is this ? the only place i found that sold them was HMV but they are out of stock and you cannot order them
I bit the bullet and purchased a region free blu-ray player and sat down to watch H2, W.T.F I cant believe how bad the picture quality is on blu-ray. I know Rob filmed it so it would have a dirty look but Blu-ray realy enhances the grain and it looks bloody awfull.
It’s an absolute disgrace of a picture and its a definate HORROR movie, but for all the wrong reasons