
Don Post for almost $200???


I can tell by the picture that it was redone by H30 Gary.

actually looks great

Looks good, but It looks just like mine when i bought mine. Even the hair was styled the same. He must’ve just taken the eyebrows off and weathered it a tad and priced it at $175…

When i get my DPH2 mask back from EyesOfDarkness, when i decide to sell it, i will put it on ebay for about the same price.

the price is absurd i should add
but its probably the best copy of the DP RZ mask i have seen yet

Beautiful looking copy. Worth the price? No. But maybe $80-$85 tops.

Right. Exactly. But not twice that.

They’re about $60-$70 from the Halloween stores, then account how much it costs to do the work on the mask…I’d say a little more than $100 is fair.

I bought that mask from same seller a yr or 2 back, at was my first myers mask and i didnt know better. Still an ok mask, its my first so ill keep it. the paint cracked and chipped quite fast on it.

I wish everyone charged 30 or 40 for conversions that would be nice.Its the price that should be charged though.Its a nice dp but just a little high.

oh yea… its that “daredevil” guy from ebay…this is the abomination i got from him…
this could possibly be the son of Crapface :smiling_imp:

ouch! I noticed he was selling converted dp rzh2 masks a few weeks back too. I like my dp h9 mask I got from him but for the price i paid, in retrospect I was ripped off

For a redone massproduced mask, that looks fine…

He did a heck of a job on my Resurrection CS I just got from him. Looks sick! Hair is fantastic too, styled and fixed the hairline I believe. I think the “Crapface” looks good for a mass produced paint up, very crude is sometimes better looking. Which mass produced is that, who made it?

its a DP not sure on the year…but definitely not worth it for what i paid :angry:

i saw that on ebay and thought it looke awsome but seeing that i change my mined the pics on the listing have to be some what photoshoped and that us a 2008 DP

Did you leave him Positive feedback>?