Most of the guys don’t buy from ebay and I don’t even have an account.
He scams people on these forums.
I didnt even really see a prob with him
I got 5 masks from him in a trade for my Raw3 and LatexFX Hood proto
glad I made him ship first
sorry to the guys he ripped off
He’s even shaped like an egg.
Why not telling the police or something?
i saw this way yesterday!! i even sent a PM to devilseyes cause those are his pictures!!
im waitin for a reply
I can’t believe that he’s still allowed to Rip people off …what a shame…
everything comes back around to you, he’ll get his eventually. this douche tried to do a bunch of trades with me on nightowl and all i got was a bunch of emails asking me to ship first and him talking in circles. i just finally told him to piss off. what an asshole.
the list for scumbags goes :
- child molestor
- murderer
- thief
real nice company this douchebag keeps.
I did a deal with him when I knew who he was. It didn’t work out the way he wanted
I cant believe he has 100% feedback on ebay.
I did a deal with him when I knew who he was. It didn’t work out the way he wanted
Ha ha CBK please tell me you gave him a taste of his own medicine…I knew about him ripping off Havoc and a few others but I wasnt aware he did it to so many
I plea the fif!
This is the little fat ass kid that has taken so many people. I can’t for the life of me understand why anyone would deal with him and send your mask first to where ever he lives outside of the country. I tried to make a deal with him and get him to send his stuff first then send it to Havoc who got burned by him and then laugh at his fat ass.
I think everyone needs to start contacting him saying they want to trade with him and send his stuff first and jack his pudgy ass.
This is the little fat ass kid that has taken so many people. I can’t for the life of me understand why anyone would deal with him and send your mask first to where ever he lives outside of the country. I tried to make a deal with him and get him to send his stuff first then send it to Havoc who got burned by him and then laugh at his fat ass.
I think everyone needs to start contacting him saying they want to trade with him and send his stuff first and jack his pudgy ass.
im down lol…its just a little justice
Are we POSITIVE this is the French kid? His email he gave me was:
His channel on youtube:
Don’t they ever give up? Those Batards just keep trying to scam more people, its a shame man!
Don’t they ever give up? Those Batards just keep trying to scam more people, its a shame man!
the frenchs kids name was devilseyes and the other guys is thedevileyes
i wouldnt think twice about blowing him in, if he screwed me out of 800.00
revenge is sweet :finga:
What a mongrel of a kid. This guy harrassed the hell outta me to sell my Itz-u bust and continuously bombarded me with messages thru this site with lowball offers. To top it all off he asked that I send the bust first and to trust him as he had positive feedback on evilbay etc. I think I got every concieivable story from him as to why I must trust him and to send the bust first. Scumbag!