I rehaired my Crypt Co Warlock last night with super hair. What do y’all think?
Warlock and NMM78R both with super hair
I rehaired my Crypt Co Warlock last night with super hair. What do y’all think?
Warlock and NMM78R both with super hair
Very nice!!!
I think it looks much better and accurate now. I never really liked the CGP hair.
Very nice! Looks great on an H2! I would just weather up the Warlock a little bit.
Look’s great Very cool H2 lookin’ hair no doubt. Nice job!
Jay Muzz
Where do you get super hair? lol i am still a newbie
Yeah, that stuff is great! Where can you find it?
Regardless, that looks awesome!
i love it man!!!
Looks nice. The above shot of it reminds me of the tub scene when they show him looking to the side right before he grabs her head.
Awesome man very nice!
awesome job man
the hair almost reminds me of kirk hair
waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay better!!
Thanks for all of the feedback guys. I’m constantly trying to improve my skills and the only way to gauge that is from y’all so thank you. This hair does look 100% more authentic to me and can get any look at all. Dying the hair this color is very tough but totally worth it. I think what I didn’t like the most about the old hair was how “treated” it felt crispy and weird. There’s too much hair spray in it or something. This hair has nothing in it at all and feels like real kirk hair. Anyways thanks again guys.
Also, this will be the only hair I use to do rehairs or finishing masks from now on.
Best Hair ever! May I ask, what is super hair? Just curious lol…
That mohair looks great.Nice job man
Looks great!! Can you creep it out some on that Warlock, and show some pics??
you should start to rehair masks for money
those are damn accurate
great job man
That mask just did a complete 360 as far as that hair is concerned. Looks much better. Very nice job.
Thank again everyone for the feedback on this mask. If anyone is interested in a rehair contact me for more info.