Just found a bit of information thats new to me probably not to you older more hard core H2 fans but according to the IMDB (International Movie Database) Dick Warlock played patrolman #3 in Brackett’s squad anybody else catch that bit of info???

Yep pretty much 95% the Myers fan base is aware of that. The more ya mess with this hobby the more you will discover.

damn i thought i found something special ooooo well thanks for raining on my parade haha jk im not mad just a sarcastic person at heart :laughing: :finga:

Yeah, Warlock killed Ben Tramer with his speeding patrol car!!!

I didn’t know that until a year ago. I had the privilege of having the man himself tell me at the exact location of where the accident happened. (30 years of terror bus tour)

I didn’t know that. Thanks for posting!

Yeah, I can’t remember, but it may be the widescreen print where you can see him… if not, Warlock’s definitely visible in the Rosenthal/Ultimate Cut.