What can I convert this into?

Picked this rubbish china mask up for 20 bucks. I removed its hair to find sculpted hair. I’m thinking a H8 burn mask if I can fill the hair sculpt in with liquid latex to achieve the effect I want. Or I could put hair over the top if I convert it to something else. Opinions

Yeah, I think it could definitely pull off that look, but it doesn’t really look all that bad to me. It looks like if converted properly, it could make a decent H1 mask.

Possibly an H4 cover mask?

Now that I’m less tired, I’d say maybe an H1 cover (some peeps made good looking masks from Walgreens masks, so yours should look good) or the burn mask. Idk but I bet it’ll look good!

Dead by Daylight!

This mask looks like it could be pretty nice if converted properly. I’d definitely go for an H4 cover mask look on this sculpt!

I think I’ll do that. Thanks! Know anywhere I can get tips for converting to an H4 cover?

what an odd mask, it almost looks like a recast of something.

And the slit in back isn’t cut.

The features are generally right though, and the eye shapes are right,… which is really weird for a “cheap MIC mask”

I thought the same thing, it’s very strange.

I always wanted a Myers mask with sculpted hair (properly painted) under “real” hair. Bald spots have been my biggest pet peeves with Myers masks. Too bad the molded hair wasn’t painted then it’d be my perfect mask. You have yourself a blank mask. it really could be anything you want it to be.

Well, given that suggestion I’ll definitely paint the hair. If you’ve always wanted one, I am gonna sell it when I’m done with it given that it’s far too big for my infant sized head.