What Did/Are You PreOrdering From TOTS 2019 Halloween Line Up?

Not too sure honestly. I’m thinking maybe it’s because they all have enough Myers masks. Everywhere I went, they had like 10 H2, H6, and Elrod masks

Edit: Your average person will say that they all look the same anyways

I decided to get the H4 because it looked the best out of them all and they couldn’t have fucked up too badly on it unlike the 2018. Also H4 is one of my favorite films so…

A lot of people complained that they got there preorder late but tots was open about when things were getting shipped out. I know I ordered my H1 and H4 the day they were released. So I hope to be one of the first to get them lol

Same here…just have to see. But I do think that TOTS would ship to the customers that pre ordered from them direct before the stores but who knows

Well I have tried to explain at nauseum why the H18 mask release had issues. Seems like a lost cause to explain it when it just goes in one ear and out the other. But I will attempt it one more time…

The cliff notes version is Universal Pictures had restrictions set that did not allow pre-orders to be taken until April. Then they had restrictions on when the mask could actually ship. This combined with more demand than tots anticipated, created a bit of a mess.

With these new masks this year, there are no restrictions. Preording went live in January as it normally does with most of their yearly new products. There is no restrictions on when they can ship, so when they are ready off the line, they will ship. It will be a much better process. I have not had any issues when I pre-ordered the Elrod or Hospital mask back when they released, they shipped out in early August. Same for the H6 and H20 masks, pre-ordered in January, they shipped in August. Everything went just fine. These new masks are following their normal procedure, not the tightly restricted stipulations of the H18.

So there you go, once again I have tried to explain this. If folks choose to not read the whole post, then I don’t know what to tell you.

Thanks for that explanation. Makes a great deal of sense. Running a business is a very complicated thing. Especially when you have other entities that are part of a collaborative effort.

No problem man. It’s just that the movie had not been released yet, and Universal was keeping the look of the mask under wraps until the first poster image was released, which was in April. Then shortly after that poster released, tots was allowed to start taking pre-orders.

Then on top of that, Universal didn’t allow private singular customer pre-orders of the mask to be shipped until September 1st. And then costume stores who ordered a batch, were not to put them on shelves until after September 1st. The stores had the first dibs on pre-ordering batches of the mask, before private singular customer pre-orders were taken.

However some stores went against that and just put them out when they came in, which created the whole “stores got them before customer preorders.” This is normal business for stores to get the orders before customers, simply due to the fact they are to follow release date guidelines.

It’s like when Blu-ray movies or video games come out, the stores have them in their stock room before the release date, so that they are ready to put out when the street date hits. It’s just in that particular case, some stores just put the masks on the shelves when they came in, instead of sticking to the release guidelines. This is how people found them in stores before singular pre-orders shipped out.

Add on the fact that Universal had the restriction of not allowing the singular private customer preorders to ship until on the actual release date, and those private singular customers did not receive the mask until well after the street date.

Trust me tots did not do that on purpose. Universal created that mess. Any other products of tots that I ever pre-ordered in the past, such as the H6 or the H20 or Hospital masks, all came in early August, even though the estimated arrival was August/September. Of course thats if you get your pre-orders in early, as they ship in order of received preorders.

The H18 was a unique situation, which does not apply to these new masks for this year.

Got the H1 and H4 ordered.

So I guess this goes with all pre orders. So the people that pre order in January will get their goods before someone who pre ordered in say May?

I want several of the items, but I’m not sweating preordering them. Party City may not be ordering any, but online retailers will be, and if they get their preorders first, great for me. If not, no biggie either.

Yes. That’s how TOTS has went about their pre-orders since they first started the business. They ship in the order to which they receive the pre-orders.

Is that ideal? No, not when people are used to preordering something and getting it on the street date. But, they don’t hide the fact that they ship in that manner, so it shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone who pre-ordered anything from them.

This is why they don’t set specific street dates, and instead say the mask will ship August/September. It’s based on when you order.

Since Universal set a specific street date on the H18 last year, and tots still went about business as usual by shipping in order received after the street date, this is yet another reason people got flustered. That’s about the only thing that was tots fault at that time, was they ship in order received, so it took a good while for all the pre-orders to get out since they couldn’t start shipping until September 1st.

As for these new masks, if you ordered when these pre-orders went live like some of us did, you will most likely get your masks in August some time.

Got ya!! Thanks for clearing it all up

That is not entirely true. Tots also took way too many pre-orders. Tots took more pre-orders than they actually had stock available to start shipping out and because of that they had to wait on the factory to make more masks and send them to them so they could ship them out and that also created delays in when people got their preorders.

But they got to a number of pre-orders that was equal to the number of masks they had for their first batch of orders for individual customers they should’ve stopped taking pre-orders.

True, your not wrong about that. Hell, GameStop just pulled the same thing with the Kingdom Hearts PS4 console. But instead of still getting product out to people, they just cancelled their shit outright. So those folks aren’t getting shit at all no matter how long they wait.

Amazon does that too. It’s a huge pain in the ass, and why I’ve stopped pre-ordering through them.

Perfect explanation. When I pre-ordered my 2018 mask, I expected my mask before Halloween because I pre-ordered it pretty soon after it’s release. I got it before Halloween. Some people who pre-ordered after the Halloween deadline got theirs before Halloween anyways. Not sure why so many people are upset about it

I got the 78 mask and another MM2018 mask for my son.


Planning on grabbing the H1 mask if I can afford it.

Grab that baby…you only live once! Unless your Michael Myers!!

Just grabbed the H1.