WHAT IF? Rob Zombie's 'Halloween 3'

This is a fun topic we thought we would ask you guys…


:rock: :rock: :rock: :rock:

i would love to see rz coming back to the halloween series but if noy im fine with h1 and h2 im more than pleased

As muched as loved Rob Zombie’s Halloweens, I really think he completed his story. Both movies serve as excellent character sketches of Laurie Strode, Annie and Leigh Brackett, Sam Loomis and Michael Myers. Each character started Halloween as someone and went through both movies and ended Halloween II as someone else. Those characters were real to me and the story was wonderful, tragdic and unrelentingly scary but it really feels closed. If they make Halloween III, it should be something else completely.

hes not making another halloween

I agree the RZ story feels finished to me. If he does another I think he could pull it off, it would be interesting to see.

i agree. Rob Zombie had a great run at halloween and halloween II was alright, it was scary and i enjoyed it. could’ve been better without the whole “family is forever” and the white horse stuff but it was still a good movie. i don’t see him coming back for another one but then again he said he wasn’t going to make a halloween II and he did.

I just hope that when H3 gets made it has the same brutality and darkness to it, every kill scene in H2 was insainly brutal and i thought it made michael look like a true phsychopath, i loved how he would kill, pause and then just flip out and keep on stabbing…those scenes were :open_mouth: just a shame the rest of the movie imo was a very disapointing turd :angry:

the biggest problem with this for me would be, to me the DIRECTORS CUT is the real movie. ITs finished its ending, to follow up using the theatrical kind of undermines the true movie that is H2. So id be split on which version it would follow, it would obviously have to follow the theatrical, but i dont really acknowledge that cut anymore.