What mask to use for my torsoe Display ?

After seeing some awsome costume displays im going to make one myself. I just got a torsoe for £10/$15 inc shipping :open_mouth: so m going to build a torsoe display using my blue coveralls, im just undecided what mask to use ?

DEfinetley H20, That’d be sick

H2O :rock:

Yes, the H20 mask. Question, where did you get your display piece?

If you meen the glass case, i got it from Ikea for £35/$55 :smiley: i just got another and have put them side by side they look awsome, the torsoe display is guna sit on top looking down :open_mouth:

I’m talking about the torso piece :laughing: I want to make a life-size myers with a head/torso piece. But they’re expensive.

I would have to say that H20 mask its just sweet haha.

Got it from EBay :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


Ahahahaha everybody says H20 :slight_smile:

well i’d say one of the h8 masks. i am not too crazy over rz masks and i don’t like the h20 mask that much, i prefer v1, lol! :smiley:


Definitely the H1/H2 mask!!

I’m going to go with the CS Ressurrection. :sunglasses: