Mine would have to be…" F*** off Wade" in H4
“…MIIICHAEL!!!” H4 outside the gas station.
“Uncle?..May I?” H4 Jamie and Michael.
Its not my favorite but my favorites was already taken
That’s a great one
Lynda: It’s totally insane. We have three new cheers to learn in the morning, the game is in the afternoon, I have to get my hair done at five, and the dance is at eight! I’ll be totally wiped out!
Laurie: [sarcastically] I don’t think you have enough to do tomorrow.
Lynda: Totally!
Janet: Julie saw him, you know.
Bud: Who?
Janet: Michael Myers.
Bud: Come on…!
Janet: I swear, yesterday when she was coming to work.
Bud: Where’d she see him?
Janet: You know the Shop And Bag out by the mall? She stopped at the light and saw him walking in that field behind the Lost River Drive In. Julie said he was so creepy.
Bud: Julie’s full of shit. He didn’t escape until last night.
Janet: You don’t have to swear about it.
Bud: She’s a goddamn moron anyway.
Janet: Every other word you say is either hell or shit or damn.
Bud: Sorry. I guess I just fuck up all the time.
advertisementConal Cochran: You don’t really know much about Halloween. You thought no further than the strange custom of having your children wear masks and go out begging for candy.
Conal Cochran: Enjoy the horror-thon, doctor… and don’t forget to watch the big giveaway afterwards.
Daniel Challis: Why, Cochran, why?
Conal Cochran: Do I need a reason? Mr. Kupfer was right, you know… I do love a good joke and this is the best ever, a joke on the children. But there’s a better reason… you don’t really know much about Halloween… you thought no further than the strange custom of having your children wear masks and go out begging for candy.
Conal Cochran: It was the start of the year in our old Celtic lands, and we’d be waiting… in our houses of wattles and clay. The barriers would be down, you see, between the real and the unreal, and the dead might be looking in… to sit by our fires of turf.
Conal Cochran: Halloween… the festival of Samhain! The last great one took place three thousand years ago, when the hills ran red… with the blood of animals and children.
Daniel Challis: Sacrifices.
Conal Cochran: It was part of our world… our craft.
Daniel Challis: Witchcraft.
Conal Cochran: To us, it was a way of controlling our environment. It’s not so different now… it’s time again. In the end… we don’t decide these things, you know… the planets do. They’re in alignment, and it’s time again. The world’s going to change tonight, doctor, I’m glad you’ll be able to watch it. And… happy Halloween.
Brady: I mean, you blow off our date at the last minute…
Rachel Carruthers: So you hop on to the next best thing? I thought you were different from other guys.
Brady: Oh, I’m different, it’s just that… I just got pissed off, that’s all.
Rachel Carruthers: Oh really? Well, I’ll just let you get back to Miss Hot Pants.
Jamie Lloyd: Uncle! Boogeyman. Let me see.
[Michael removes his mask]
Jamie Lloyd: You look just like me.
Mrs. Blankenship: A long, long time ago, it was a night of great power. When the days grew short, the spirits of the dead, returned to their homes to warm themselves by the fire’s side. All across the land, huge bonfires were lit. Ohhh, there was a marvelous celebration. People danced, and they played games, and they dressed up in costumes, hoping to ward off the evil spirits. Especially the boogey man.
Norma Watson: Oh. Miss Tate. I didn’t mean to make you jump. It’s Halloween. I guess everyone’s entitled to one good scare.
Laurie Strode: I’ve had my share.
advertisementLaurie Strode: You failed Michael. Want to know why? Because I’m not afraid of you. But, what about you? Are you afraid of me? Are you afraid to die Michael?
Annie Brackett: [while Lindsay is singing] UGH! I swear to God, Lindsay, if you don’t stop singing that song, I’ll have a pumpkin smashing party right here in the middle of the street.
Annie Brackett: [to Laurie] You act like you’re the only one who’s life got trashed.
School bully (Irwin Yablans’ son?) to Tommy Doyle, “The Boogeyman’s gonna GET YOU!!”
trips Tommy, runs off
SHRRRRIEEEEKKKKK!! bully is grabbed by the Shape
I love that scene
Actually, man, she says “It WAS the boogeyman.”
As for my favorite quote, it would probably be any of the times Loomis mispronounced Samhain in Halloween II. Haha.
Halloween (2007)
Dr. Samuel Loomis: These eyes will deceive you, they will destroy you. They will take from you, your innocence, your pride, and eventually your soul. These eyes do not see what you and I see. Behind these eyes one finds only blackness, the absence of light, these are of a psychopath.