Personally, I think that there is a big different between egging a house and dressing up like psychopath and staring into someone’s window or following someone around at night.
like i said, im just going out to have fun and not get my hands bloody from really killing pep. my god i just said im tired of these sick mf’er bullies chewing out our town folk that have’nt done one damn thing wrong and yet this trash has to pick with them. That’s total bs and i want stand for it!!! now back to the subject of halloween holiday, i just wanna have fun and give the trash one good scare to teach them a lesson in manners and respect to human life!!!
i really really cant wait till i get my outfit together, god its gonna b so exciting. pep will be so like ‘’ wtf is that thing walking around town lol’
last year i won first place for the scariest costume as being the joker. maybe i’'ll win this year as h2!!!
my god i just said im tired of these sick mf’er bullies chewing out our town folk
You have bullies harrasing the “town folk?” Odd little place you have there.
I’m not sure who anyone follows on Halloween dressed as Michael Myers. Teens usually group together for fun and a sense of protection, ever notice how they’re always being loud? I can’t imagine one guy dressed as a fictional movie character will unnerve them. Then you have smaller kids who should be accompanied by a parent of some kind. If there is a parent you’re risking a confrontation/beat down, and if they’re not then you’re a jerk for trying to scare little kids.
Now, if you’re after the “towns folk bullies” again I can’t imagine one guy dressed as a fictional movie character will do more than give them a target. Last year I was looking for my son, who was 17, around my neighborhood. I was wearing the bank robber Joker mask from Dark Knight. As I walked along the street, minding my own business, I hear some little kid yell, “I’m not afraid of you!” I just kept walking because I wasn’t trying to scare anyone and I thought the comment was pretty funny; projecting bravado with their parents in tow. That’s about as close as I want to come to scaring a kid.
now these ‘‘bullies’’ r my age ‘‘25’’ and there not a parent!!
they get drunk and hi and do stupid bullshit to people. Plus they don’t even know who myers is! hmm…kinda funny ehhh??? so that opens the door to scaring the shit out of them while there doing there retarded dead mind bs. o and im not gonna go give them a beat down as u call it, JUST A SCARE. thats it!!!
Not to be a buzzkill, but if the drunk/hi thing is true, sounds like a police matter. And if you’re in a small town there’s nothing small town cops like to do more than bust punk kinds on Halloween (I was a cop for a short time). And remember, it’s called liquid courage for a reason , and if there’s a group of them…
Finding yourself walking home with a black eye and a Michael Myers mask shoved up your arse is no way to end a halloween night. Just playing devil’s advocate.
once again its not gonna b a blood bath, so of matter a fact screw the bullie plan. just leave them were they r, in there trashy enviroment!! maybe they’ll figure it all out one day. god bless them!
so halloween in my town is gonna b fun and safe. just gonna scare the hayride that comes through the graveyard. i do that every year. preti fun to, just gotta stay in shape cause theres a hell lot of running to do lol!