Which looks Better?

Hey ya’ll,
Which looks better on my mannequin, blacking out the eyes or having the eyes show through? I can’t make up my mind…please do it for me :open_mouth: !

No Eyes

With Eyes

uuuuuuhhhhhhmmmmmmI would go with blacking them out.

leave the eyes but put black around them :wink:

Both look good, but i would black them out.

I would leave the eyes in as is and try to place him where there is a light overhead, this way you can achieve both effects :wink:

For sure the eyes look to glossy and happy :stuck_out_tongue:

Hey man, Michael has the blackest eyes…The devils eyes. Those eyes look like my wifes!! :laughing: Jusk kiding man!! But black them out.

I was thinking the same thing about the eyes. He looks kinda like…“Hi, I"m sensitive caring Michael…Yay!!!” :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:
I’ll black them out again. It’s hard for me to do an overhead light without it looking like crap. I don’t own this place and I can’t install
lights without chords all over the place. But that was a good idea.

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: Hillarious!!! Hey…who says Michael doesn’t have a feminine side. Maybe he’s “Metro Michael” :laughing:
Thanks bro.

I like that idea, at least give it a try and see how it looks

I think the eyes look strange to you guys because he took pictures with the flash, while I like the blacked out eyes, you can still achieve that look with the proper lighting. Maybe try moving the mask down a tad so his eyes are a little higher in the holes. Im telling you man, just for kicks, try a full body shot, with the eyes, and the light doesnt have to be directly overhead just so its not right in his face if you know what I mean. That is probably how I would do it. :wink:

Let me take a couple pics without the flash and I’ll post a reply to this thread.
Thanks so much guys.

they both look like crap
you should just send me the mannequin :mrgreen:

jk bro I think it looks good with the eyes
but you should still send me the mannequin LOL :axe:

Now What???

I would keep the eyes, and also add some black, if there is a away to do that without getting it rubbed off on the inside of the mask…looks good anyhow :smiley:

I dont know man, I like the eyes, but thats just my opinion, I think once night falls youll like it a lot more.

No eyes… just plain darkness :rock:

permanent marker

Actually I just took the spotlight off of him and the eyes are very dark, but you can slightly see them and it looks pretty damn creepy. It looks NOTHING like either of these pics at all. It makes him look more realistic. I think you have a good point sir.

Thanks to everyone for your oppinions and help.

No problem man :wink: and if they still show too much you could always try stretching some black nylon really thin over the head, but the way you described it is exactly how I pictured it and sounds great.