Which Mask Does It For Ya?

Hello everyone. I was just wondering which horror mask gives you “the feeling” worn or unworn? Accuracy or even Myers for that matter does not have to be a factor with this question. For me it would have to be the St. Nick. Everytime I see it in my display case or look at a reflection of it being worn by me I get that feeling.

I like the one in your avatar. :sunglasses:

Thank you ishothim6times! :sunglasses:

The CGP Fear does it for me. Other than an NAG78 finished by AHG or JC it’s got the best H1 look around in my opinion.

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

My DP/AHG first release 1998 Shatner does the trick for me. It’s perfect in my eyes. It ENDED my search for the perfect H1, which is something I honestly thought would never happen.

For me It would have to be the NAG/AHG H78…Then the Psycho…For H2 it would be the KH mask especially the new one and warlocks…Later guys

It’s really a 1998 Don Post Studios William Shatner that you have there. Those masks were made from a blank production pull 1975 Capt. Kirk that was laser scanned then later tweaked into what was more common produced. No matter what date the mask says, it’s a 1998 first issue before the tweaking.

NAG UL75 retool! This is it for me! I converted this one from a kirk and I’m extremely happy with the look!

A really nice looking H78. After that, maybe a Mint75 or Fear.

There are alot of fantastic masks and artists out there but if I were to choose 1 it would be a
good pull/copy of the H-78 done up by Hallows, does it for me for sure… :smiling_imp:

my NAG/AHG H78 is my fave, and it ended my search for an H1 mask.

i agree with the above statement :drinkers:

This is probably the most screen accurate mask one can get, It truly brings out the Michael Myers from Halloween 1978. This mask owns all the rest.

Retro Myers!!! :open_mouth: :laughing:
Lovin that purple background too.

Laugh if you want but if this was available on eBay you guys would have a bidding war to get it. This edition would be the first ‘all white’ edition from DPS and would be from 88 or 89; highly collectible.

For me it would have to be My DB2 Kirk converted by Colin.

SWEET! Thanks for clearing that up for me. I now have a much greater appreciation for this mask. That explains why it is so much different than any other 99’s out there. Whether it is a 1999 or 1998 it’s the nicest mask in my collection, and one of the finest masks I’ve ever seen. The detail on it is unreal. It’s crazy how many looks it can pull off. AHG killed this thing! (in a good way :wink: )
Thanks again for clearing that up for me. :slight_smile:

See Frankie’s -(A.K.A “DeathClutch”) - DPS 98’ Shatner AHG conversion-

said it before, and ill say it again…


J :wink: