If theres another Halloween installment following in Rob’s vision, which mask would you want (i thought having Chett the bringer of death make a replica mask which michael gets his hands on)
I do belive they will bring back the classic look in this one. I don’t they will stray too far from that. The plain white mask and hopefully very good weathering as well
i really think rob is done with Halloweens after H2.
but i do feel that whoever takes the reigns will try to go back to the classic look, at least im hoping!
The two different guys were Todd Farmer and Patrick Lussier but their concept and screenplay for Halloween 3 has been placed into development hell. I would be very surprised if Rob is approached to do Halloween III considering his relationship now with The Weinsteins however if the rights to the movie are sold on to another company I wouldn’t be surprised to see Rob return a year or two from now.
I hate the exposed, they could have mikey stalking peeps at a mask convention at the begining of the movie and try on a sellection of the custom masks that the members of this board have done, it would be a nice nod to the true fans