6 but I’m gonna get more
I have one on the way which will give me 4. One of which being a CS mass-produced one, so not sure if it REALLY counts. Sure, it’s small, but I just started and I think that 3 High-Quality masks in one month is a pretty good rate!
To all you guys who have only a handful, like 2 or 3, I know how you feel. I started out with a Killing Machine and an H30 C.S. conversion. I didn’t think I’d get any further than that and I have come a long way since then. Don’t lose hope fellas!
very true! everyone starts somewhere, i mean, look at me, half of mine are mass produced which i started with which I DON’T WANT NOW! the only reason i am holding onto them is because they will be worth alot in the future! and neonfire92, cs masks are awesome! no one really cares that they are mass produced man,lol, they are awesome masks!
Just take care of them. I didn’t take care of my D.P. 86 until I found this place but it was already too late. He’s gone now.
yeah, i don’t wear them anymore so that should help!
I am more of a quality over quantity kind of guy. I dont need 50 million of each mask from the movies. I currently have 5 Myers masks in my collection.
great collections there guys. keep it up!
me, however i…dnt…really have any right now. feel like a fool, BUT i will start collecting as soon as i have extra funds to spend!!! which is pretty soon cause i may be getting a new job, wit way better PAY!! ‘so cant wait’
I think I have around 14 or 15 Myers and around 19 or so Jason related mask/busts now.
Im trying to get 23 Myers masks before I start on Jason Hocks and Freddy gloves. 23, one for each mask worn in the films. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I think I counted right, lol. And the Cinema Secrets was my first mask EVER, so I’m gonna try to make him last.
9 Myers
3 - H78’s
1 - Warlock
1 - Fear
1 - St. Nick
1 - Uncle
2 - Nemi’s
I own two…an H78 and a Warlock. I can understand owning a replica from each movie but nothing, and I mean nothing, is more boring than a sea of white masks. I don’t understand the thrill of having 25 or more of the same character…to each is own though…Larry
i sounded like a complete prick in my post yesterday so i want to retract that, sorry if anyone was offended.
i dont know who has the most masks but ive seen several huge, badass collections here. collections that will make a grown man break into tears
I have 8 Myers and kinda think that’s too many. I’ve recently headed my attention towards other horror icons: Jason, Freddy & Leatherface as well as the vintage Don Post type stuff.
When i see collections like Donnie’s, Billy’s, Chad Eades & Larry’s it grabs my attention way more than seeing nothing but white faces. That’s just me though.
I wanna say there was a guy on the OLD Mask Maker Productions Message Board in 2003/04 that showed a pic of his collection of only “Myers” and it was like 200 masks.
At one point I had 21 Myers masks in my collection, but that number has dwindled down to under 10 now. I did not need that many and have since sold off most of them.
I only have my CS mask, my old DP “The Mask” is in pretty bad shape. I truthfully only want a few certain masks, like a Warlock, a good H78 and a couple others. The only other replica of any of the movies I like is the part 6 mask. I really have no interest in the RZ masks or part 4 or 5 (especially 5) I used to think part 4 was my least favorite mask but now it’s 5.
I collect toys and comics and have been doing it for about 25 years, so I have a pretty good collection built up. I like masks in general though, so after I got the few Myers I want I would probably go after other masks of different characters. I do understand the people who have 30 plus masks of Myers though, each one is it’s own, kind of like how I have multiple different Batman action figures from different decades.
When I first started collecting, I had 15 Myers at one point, a few of those were mass produced masks.
Now I own 2 and couldn’t be happier with them. Still looking for a decent (reasonably priced) Kirk replica, then I’m calling it quits as far as Myers masks are concerned. That being said, I wouldn’t mind snagging a nice original DP H3 set someday.
I had over 20 Myers masks at one point but like many others I collect several other masks as well so I’ve narrowed that number down. I now own one Myers for each movie with the exception of H1/H2. I own two masks each for these movies and a third of H1 for a “wearable” copy giving me a grand total of a dozen “white masks” (not counting mass produced masks). This is a number I feel comfortable with keeping.
I also own the JITB Bandage Mask, Jo’s H1 clown mask (x2), Nils’ H1 Clown Mask, The SSN “Brute” mask, the SSN H9 clown mask and Casey’s “Escape” H9 mask so if we are being technical I guess you could say 19 Myers masks but only a dozen white masks! If I ever can afford an original KH again there will be ONE more addition. Other than that I’d like to get an original set of the H3 masks and a solid Kirk…then it’s mostly vintage masks for me!
nice collections!
i do agree that i would rather mix it up than have 5O white masks on the shelf. haha