Why has nobody mentioned...

the fact that Michael’s face is completely in tact in H2? A magnum is a very strong gun, and even with a graze, it’d do significant damage to somebody’s face. At the beginning we obviously get a look at his bloody mask, so we can assume it’s pretty nasty under there, but when it’s partially ripped: not only is his face fine, but he’s able to grow a beard on that skin! So… what the hell?

it grazed him…and its a movie…AND i beleive the hair is suppose to cover it lol

cause myers in invencible himself LMAO

A magnum shot from that distance, graze or not, would destroy his face. Not to mention that the flesh would be severely seared. Hair absolutely would not be able to grow anymore.

you can definatley still grow hair…being a medic ill argue that to death…deff would be scarring i agree.

This is one of those details it’s best not to dwell on. Every movie has flaws, knowingly or unknowingly.
Realistically speaking, I do believe a person could survive such a thing. The human body is very resilient.

Pardon the pun but have you ever heard the phrase,“Retard strong?”

Through the magic of Fukitol and incompetence with a nice sprinkle of apathy from the magical hands of Rob Zombie.

I was under the assumption that once skin is burned, and the pores are closed off, hair can no longer grow?


this was in fact mentioned and argued to death here on multiple threads when the film came out. Its a f’ing film. How did mikey live after being shot point blank 6 times in the original? or after being blown up in the hospital? its a slasher horror film…not a historical bio-pic.

You can’t kill evil.
True evil never dies.

if you have a charred third degree burn most likely…but it obv caused a wound… and in some cases hair can grow back…one of our friends got 3rd degree burns he grew his hair…but really i think the wound is covered by his hair …like i dont even think he got shot through the hair is what im tryin to say lol jus skin

Yes, one could easily presume that the bullet was shot into his hairline and nowhere near his face.

lol whatever its clearly there for you to beleive what you think happend since he doesnt explain…and thats what i do

Brother…THATS the f*****g answer right there!!! :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp:

well the answer is obviously…YOU CANT KILL THE BOOGEYMAN. :smiley:

Not to mention that its two years later, whatever wound was there would have healed…also Zombie himself said he intended the end of H1 to be pretty final so didnt want to dwell on how to come up with a way for him to come back that made sense and wrote it off as a graze and didnt want to dwell on it in the film because it would just seem silly if it was explained when everyone expects him to come back anyway…

If the original Myers can see again after being shot in both eyes, new Myers can live on from a bullet graze. :drinkers:

good point :laughing: