Wii Myers

Ok… Who all has made em? hes my Pro Bowler :laughing: :drinkers:

we made a michael myers on my bros wii. Also made a Jason.

:laughing: :rock: :rock: :rock:

i never thought about doing that. :smiley:

I wish I could make my avatar on xbox michael myers

:laughing: Brandon, that’s awesome!!! If Ihad a Wii I’d give it a try!!

Why haven’t I thought of that? I’ve made Stephen Colbert and Carl from Aqua Teen Hunger Force but not Michael Myers? To the Wii, post haste!! :smiley:

on my xbox i made my avatar michael jackson as i am a big fan! actually looks pretty cool! :smiley:

:laughing: Nice stuff

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: That’s freaking awesome. Man I still have a PS2. I’m so old school.

That is old skool. But I still have my Atari 2600, and since we moved into a house, it’s now hooked up to my bedroom TV.
And yes, I also have a Wii Myers avatar. He’s good at Tennis :wink: