WORKRITE owners, can you help me?

Hey guys hows it going? I was wondering if someone with a pair of Workrites could help me?

Anyone who owns a pair, could you measure the chest pocket for me? the vertical length and horizontal width?
I made a picture if it makes it easier? I want to replicate the H40 coveralls, the real deal are 250 cad on amazon :open_mouth:
Instead of $250+ for Workrites, I got a new pair of 56" coveralls for $7 at goodwill. Im going to tailor them to my size 38-40"
The huge pile of leftover fabric I’ll use to make new pockets/collar to match the Workrites. I got some Charcoal grey fabric dye too :smiley:
I’ll make sure to make a thread and mention you in the tutorial when I finish them

  • Aaron

the length is 7.1/4inch and the width is 5. 3/4, you could also get the real ones for about $95 if you wanted.

Thank you so much for the speedy reply :slight_smile:
Your right, there are some other sites. The problem is our Canadian dollar everything is near double price :laughing:
I want to try and do it myself though. I can save the money/ if it works out I can buy coveralls any size and tailor them to fit me.
Plus If I can pull it off $7 coveralls + $6 Fabric dye = H40 coveralls for a whopping $13

sounds like a cool project, I understand what you mean about the price, I live in the UK and have to pay excess shipping on everything, are you posting pictures of the finished project?

For sure, hopefully it all works out, If not theyre a 56" chest So I could use them to make a fort :laughing:

lol, the ones I just measured from are 42", I don’t know if the pockets get larger as the size increases or not, I’m planning on making a life size 2018 mannequin and I looked up JJC’s measurements and it said 42", so I’m just waiting the rehaul now.

Thabks again for the measurement, I’ll have to adjust them to fit my chest/coverall size. Im only 5’7 so I’ll have lots of extra fabric.
Post pics of your rehaul when you get it in :slight_smile:

I am in Toronto canada myself. Ordered a pair from cost just over $100 CAD. Took close to a month to get here mind you but the price was right. Punch in this on their search menu. Will bring you right to it:) Workrite Uniform 131UT95 - Flame Resistant 9.5 oz UltraSoft Work Coverall

Thanks for the hot tip :smiley: I bookmarked the link, If my DIY pair doesnt work Ill order a pair for sure thank you! :myers:

I started mine yesterday, removed all the pockets/collar, today Im going start shortening the torso.