your favorite myers mask u own

whats your best or fav. myers mask? post pictures if u want all in fun

This is it, My H20 mask

Don Post Studios/AllHallowsGhost “First Release” 1998 William Shatner

nice :rock:

My favorite is still the Warlock.

My NAG/JC H78 Retool

my butcher :smiley: I love the original, mean, and angry look to it

I feel very fortunate to own this NAG/JC Mint 75 “BLOOD TEARS” :smiley: Thanks to my brotha JAMES for making this dream come true:

My DB2 Kirk converted by Colin Mayney.

great pic’s everyone here’s my fav mask, NAG/AHG…Dean

My NAG H-4 Cover mask with H-1 finish… :smiley:

That would be my 06 Maniac. I love this thing!

Mine :slight_smile:

Mine would be My NAG/AHG H78 #10 and my H6 Wilbure fixed up by Scott…Later guys


I think it’s funny that your H6 hair is as dark as the stuff i use, but im told it’s too dark…hahaha :laughing:

man thats a tought one. it would be between my AHG H78, Psycho, or Second Stab.

but i have a package waiting for me at the post office so i might have another to ad to the list :smiley:

Thanks morgan…Who the hell tells you that…I think the hair you use is perfect as well as the hair on my mask…Geesh, I dream of the day when people will just buy what they like and stop trashing others or other mask…Dont sweat it bud…Your H6 mask is killer and so is the hair you use…Later man