I made a deal with this guy months ago on a 1990 shatner and paid in full. He acted like my best friend until he got the money then nothing. I caught up with him a couple times on aim, but he never responded so I took it farther. I found out his home telephone number through the info HE GAVE ME called the number his parents answer machine picked up and I let them know the position I was in. I never recieved a call back. Im not sure if they ever even recieved the info because shortly after I was blocked from calling this number. Ive been around 10+ years in the mask biz and this isnt the first time this has happened. I do own a 1990 or 2, but that doesnt matter. I wan’t what I paid for. If any of you hear talk too him or know him send the info along. I have a 1990 already, but wan’t what I paid for. This kid says one thing and does another. I’d like too see what he says when Im right there face too face. Im just tired of these pos’s that run around this board.
I Hear you Kenny!!! I have a very short temper, so I’m glad that I never had to go through some BS like this!! I would have drove there,a week after he had promised me the mask!! You gave him, way too much time!!! Just my opinion!
If I were you, I’d be taking a little drive to go get my mask.
yeah, I’d definitely take a nice drive. I wouldn’t stand for it.
The thread was moved. The kid is NOT a minor and he stole from one of our own…He is a POS IMO. Until he man’s up and contacts me my thoughts will not change. This summer (this is not a threat mods) I will be paying a VISIT too his neck of the woods. and if your reading this Z if I make it 3 stones over do you really think I’d stop looking for you by that point>? All I ask for is what I paid for, nothing more!
-KennyD aka PostHumanStudio@gmail.com aka 636-675-7701
I hope Z your reading this. I have more info on you now than I should share so there. Hears MY Info! If anyone feels the need too call me personally please feel free. This is my personal job phone so it’s always on me. take care and have a wonderful day …