Just found this on the porch a few minutes ago! Props to Justin. I have owned two Pyscho’s previously that did not fit, so this time Justin specially made in an attempt to fit. A little tight but the best yet. Plus my thick hair is grown out at the moment, a trim would likely help a good deal. Again props to Justin!
Congrats on the Mask, Indeed it is a true Beauty !!!
Justin’s Work is so Awesome …Enjoy your Psycho Mask, One day I May Own One
Happy Hoildays Man
awesome man!
The Psycho is a timeless classic… It’s one of those masks that no collection is complete without one. I got in on that Christmas deal Justin has offered and will finally be in the Psycho club! Congrats on owning a classic!
Love the hair on these new ones
Just gets me even more stoked for mine!
Big congrats!!
Great looking mask bro, just needs a little bit of weathering to brings out the features. Great score though.
Killer score congrats! The hair work is really great!
great mask bro. i really miss my psycho
Very cool score man.
I also love the new hair blend he’s using! The mask looks fantastic! Justin always does a phenomenal job on all his masks.
IMO The Psycho is the best H1 mask out there
I cannot wait to get mine.
Justin does an amazing mask!!! I love the Psycho’s your mask looks pretty damn sweet!!!
Congrats on the score!
congrats man! u got a great mask there bud. ive found with my psycho its best if i stuff it alittle while its on display so that it fills out the face. they seem to lay abit skinny through the face when displayed.
Great looking mask. Is it just me or does Justin’s newer Psycho’s look different from the ones from a year back and earlier. Just seems a bit different to me for some reason. It’s still a great mask