Found this in a pawn shop and quickly picked it up!!! My battery on my good cam is charging, here’s some quick pics from my iphone.
Sweet mask!!!
Nik knocked that one out of the park!
Thanks for the pictures!!! and GREAT JOB Nik!
Mother of god, Chad!
My, my… what do we have here! Well it’s beautiful as you said it was dude. Looks like the real deal to me
Great work Nik, just great! Congrats Chad on that jewel and remember me when you get in a jam… but then I’ll probably be in a jam as well
Great timing on the mask as well!
Congrats Chad, and Nik, that is rediculously accurate. Looks perfect!!!
Thanks guys! By the way, that’s real kirk hair on this. I forgot this pic:
we finally get to see niks amazing mask, lol, it is truly accurate, Z
I jusy PSed eyecuts into the first pic Ahhhhh, it felt good
My god!
Wow!! That is the best Kirk i have ever seen my friend!! Congrats … Cheers
In all honesty man I think THAT is the closest you will ever get the the 75 kirk unless Bry can do something veery mind chainging . But all the fine detail is there like all the neck lines everything and with the real vintage kirk hair just WOW congrats on that one Chad and hopefully man that never has to part ways with you .
Congrats again man and have a great night altho Im sure most of it will be spent looking at that piece of ART
OMG thats the best NIK mask thats for damn sure!
Can we see some pics without those eyes?
Very nice piece you have there! Congrats!
not trying to be rude or anything but did you get this at a good price
why? is it not good enough for ya? This is the best kirk replica to date
Thanks for all the comments guys. Nik really did an incredible job on this thing and the real kirk hair just puts the icing on top to me. I can’t quite get the settings right on my camera, it’s been a while. I’ll keep taking pics until I’m happy with em. Here’s a few more quickies.
The first thing I said too myself is “where the hell did he find that hair” Well I guessing it came off another vintage dps mask?
Actually I’m not sure. It sure does seem to be new and not old. I know nik did a LOT of research on the hair and matching fibers to Darren’s kirk. Maybe he just actually found the real fiber.
Is This N Original Sculpt???