if they used a 75 kirk in h4 than why did it not even remotely look like a 75 kirk i heard that it was because it was old but it was only 13 years old and i have a myers mask that i got in a basket in my basement with toys crushing it that i just now found and took it out and it looks just like it did i know because i found pictures of it from a long time ago and the mask is 23 years old the h4 was 13 so if anyone can explain this to me please do so.
The mask they used in H4 was not a real Kirk. 75 or any other for that matter.
The Mask in H4 was not a Kirk according to many people that did some research. Paul (crofader owns the screen used H4 and it doesnt have Kirk features. It is speculated that it was a cast of someone else face to create something similar to the kirk. Now the H4 poster mask is an actual painting of the H1/2 Hero placed on a book during the painting process. I believe the artist used the book to hold up the mask. This is what most people (the general populas) see as Myers.