1981 Don Post Hagatha (with a new look)

So I was not really digging the thin fish net style hood so I tossed this black plush hood i had laying around right over the other hood.

What a huge change! I feel like i have a new mask :slight_smile:
I love it that much more now!!!


After :smiling_imp:

Wow, nice man!

Much better!!!

That looks alot better!

Yeah, the new hood definetly gives it a more authentic vibe :sunglasses:
Looks great Jon!

MUCH better Jon!!

Looks great!


yeah that does look much better.

I like a lot Jon!


Looks much better with the plush.

Looks nice Jon! I have one of those black plush hoods myself… they make a world of difference. Just make sure you keep that thermal hood attached in its original condition. I know it’s tempting to rip it off. I miss that flesh hag.

I agree Jon, the new hood suits the mask!! BTW that’s one hell of a mask you have

thanks guys :slight_smile:
actually i am not tempted to pull off the original hood at all…it holds the new one in place just right.

Oh yea, Much nicer Bro.

Much better. Looks great! :drinkers:

Definitely a step up. Nice job, I’d be afraid to tamper with any vintage Hagatha mask, but you definitely did it justice! Can you take a new picture next to you’re other original Hagatha and Skull?


sure man I will be taking pics of my trio of skulls and my trio of witches :slight_smile:

NICE Jon, the hood makes a huge difference.

Jon, this is a little off topic but I saw you have a DP Grimsley up for sale. I’ve never bought one of these yet but from pics they seem to have a similar hood to the “black hooded” H3 witch, how do they look in person in comparison?

Always a welcome site!

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