Hey guys, I have once again been graced with the ownership of two incredible masks! Last time, I was slightly dissappointed with the NAG H9 Clean, but it was no such case this time around. I got home from school and started getting ready for work, and on my bed sat two boxes. One was the Prop Shop Psychopath Exposed from DrenTheLiar, and the other was my NAG H9 Deluxe from Dimue! I was EXTREMELY shocked at just how awesome the masks were! Dimue even threw in a very inaccurate Young Mikey Clown mask, but you can’t beat free, and some random DVD. I’m not sure what inspired him to do so, but I thank him regardless. On with the few pics that I had time to snap;

With Flash



And Without

The Clown

The NAG is going to get Rehaired along with my Prop Shop Psychopath H2 and NAG H9 Clean very soon, and the Clean is getting repainted. Overall, I am VERY pleased with the two new additions and I have to go to Wal-Mart after work to pick up another Paper Towel holder, lol.

Thanks for checking them out,

Congrats, very nice man. :drinkers:

nice scores, and the reason he included the h1 clown, is because when you order a NAG screenused h9, they come with a free h9 clown, so he probably didnt want it, Z

Oh, ok. I’ve never ordered anything directly from Nik to know. Thanks.

Nice scores!! Love the H9. :drinkers:

Nice H9 :drinkers:

Nice scores man!! They both look great!! That is one of the better looking exposed mask I have seen from the propshop!!

Hi there, glad you got H9 !!! enjoy em !!!included clown as Nag did so too and so it belongs to you as well …LOL !!!
Dvd was just a little extra for you …check the movie, nice little entertaining monster horror flick !!
best wishes

wow, they both look kickass! and that clown is a great addition too, it has a very vintage look to it! nice! :smiley: