2006 Don Post Myers Mask Owners


Despite being a huge Halloween fan since 1978, I never bought a Myers mask. It just seemed that anytime I considered it, I always saw nothing but mediocre replicas. I think the biggest reason this site exists is because most Myers masks where just outright $hit back in the day. I had to bite the bullet back in 2008 when my son wanted me to dress up as Michael Myers so we could go Trick or Treating together. I’d like to tell you he had to twist my arm, but dressing up as The Shape was always a desire of mine so I went out looking for a mask that I could live with. At that time, my best option was the 2006 Don Post Myers Deluxe mask(I’m 99% sure that was the title). While I didn’t love it, for the price I thought it was a very good pick up. That’s me and my son in the pic before embarking upon a great Halloween night.

After not wearing it for several years, I was going to wear it to pick up my son from work on Halloween. I thought it would be fun if I wore it to his job to scare him and his co-workers(yeah, I’m a good dad). Unfortunately, it was not to be as the mask had become melded to my coveralls as both were kept in a plastic bag in my heated bedroom closet. While I have replaced it with few masks I bought recently(The Obsession being my favorite so far), I started to become nostalgic for my first Myers mask and thinking that it actually looked really good. My question to other owners/wearers of the 2006 Don Post Deluxe: Is this mask as good a I remembered or has time sweetened my memory? Believe me, I know it wasn’t a high end H1, I just think for a mass produced job, it looked fairly representative.

My girlfriend back in the day bought me this mask when I first gave collecting a thought. So technically it was my first mask “even though I didn’t buy it”. I remember showing it to a couple of people that came to my house to watch football one Sunday. Everyone laughed at it and made fun of it. I realized that it was a piece of crap and sold it on ebay for like $20. That’s what made me discover this website and understand what really nice Indie masks looked like. And the rest is history.

Yeah, it’s amazing what we had to settle for back then. I always found it aggravating that even the movie studios making official Halloween films couldn’t make a great mask. I always thought Halloween 4 was a good sequel(not great) but George Wilbur’s “Shape” is just terrible. Even down to the coveralls and his stature. Ironically I think my old Don Post resembled that mask more than an H1.

Yup I still have one, I kinda like it just because it was my first mask. I just dont like that the hair has like gel on it, I do not like the slicked back look. Now of course it doesn’t compare to indie stuff but its alright.

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I repainted and used one of these in a haunt for 2 months back in 2008. Nearing the end of the haunt season, after sweating 5-7 hours every night in that mask it was already starting to melt even though i wiped it out and powdered it after each night. The latex became so weak, I got slapped by a customer and the mask ripped from the corner of the mouth to the end of the neck then had to use safety pins to hold it together the last 2 weeks. Fun times.

While I didn’t get extensive use out of this mask, I had it for a few years. I wore it once on the one Halloween for a few hours and then the occasional “scare” for my kids. I kept it in the same closet in the same bag it in came in for years(still had original tags with it). I believe putting the coveralls in the bag with the mask a year ago is what led to it’s demise as the face of the mask came off completely when I removed it from the fabric. I was able to salvage the coveralls but The Shape no longer had it’s shape.

Again, I liked the mask ok because it was better than any mask produced mask I had seen in person but as someone who has always had an affinity for the movie, I never understood at that time why only indie makers could make masks that you wouldn’t be embarrassed to wear. Every year I get the occasional Trick or Treater with a horrid Myers mask and I just feel like ripping it off their head and throwing it on my fire pit :laughing:

The 2006 Don Post wasn’t great by any means, but it did have potential. I had one when it came out, and was happy with it, since at least it was in the ballpark, vs the old blue lips garbage. I did do a repaint on it, and with some shading and weathering, you could get a decent look out of it. It really wasn’t a terrible mask at all. The eye cuts were probably the worst thing about it. Outside of the eye cuts, it wasn’t terrible. I ended up giving it to my nephew a few years later so he had it for trick or treating, and haven’t seen it since! Lol ohwell, it’s probably destroyed by now, as I am sure he hasn’t taken care of it.

The Don Post 2006 mask definitely wasn’t the most accurate mask but with some modifications, I think it’s a good looking mask. Not as a replica but as it’s own take on the Myers mask.