Have had the Creep for about a month and the Castle 75k SE (left) arrived from Greece yesterday. Have to say, I’m a bit torn, but if you put a gun to my head, I’d say the Creep takes it by a nose.
Any thoughts? There are no wrong answers as far as I’m concerned. Both great pieces.
I would have to agree. I have always believed the NAG 75K to be one of the most accurate H1 masks available, but the new Creeps have really surprised me at how great they look. There’s something about them that just looks better than the older ones, to me. Looking at that shot you posted, I have honestly never liked Nik’s eyecuts, so the Creep wins that hands down in my book. Can’t believe I’m saying it, but the Creep actually looks like the better mask, at least in that side by side shot. With better eyecuts though, the NAG 75K would probably take it.
Agreed. I was actually prepared to be underwhelmed by the Creep when I saw some of the 2018 copies, but was pleasantly surprised by what showed up. I think Justin nailed this one
Can’t say for sure, but from some of the pictures and videos I’ve seen it looks like he’s definitely improved upon the hair and added a tad more definition. I asked for no weathering on the neck and chin and I think that made a difference as well (weathering didn’t seem really well done in older copies)
I have both, 2018 models. I love both, and will keep both, but I have to say Nik put more time into my Castle 75k SE than Justin did in my Creep. That being said, they are both fantastic sculps, and probably the two contenders for best artists when it comes to a Halloween 1978 mask.
Between those two particular masks, I’d say the Creep looks better. But that’s because Nik is horrible at eye cuts and finishing work. If you sent the 75K to James it would destroy the Creep.