besides 'Myers"!
The X-Rays from when I broke my Ankle:
The Screws & Plates that are now in my Ankle: ( Skate or Die! )
Dan Roebuck…
Now THAT is Boss!
Anything?.. Ok lol
Muhahahaha! Good thread Billy!
old pics
my next sculpt
WTF dumb ass bandwidth
looks paintful!
here’s a few pics after my surgery from last year. I had my chest operated on, so they had to break each rib from my sternum and crack me open, lol. the last pic is an x-ray showing the plate they had to place under my skin to connect my ribs back in place…
(pics could be considered graphic )
and a litle humor, lol…
spaz, what is that, I want it!!! LMAO
thats monster man its a good movie
yeah its fuckface from monster man
been wanting to do him for a while
my wife talked me into finally doing it
Ouch!!! Dang Bro, Now THAT…Looks painful.

here’s a few pics after my surgery from last year. I had my chest operated on, so they had to break each rib from my sternum and crack me open, lol. the last pic is an x-ray showing the plate they had to place under my skin to connect my ribs back in place…
(pics could be considered graphic
and a litle humor, lol…

yeah its fuckface from monster man
been wanting to do him for a while
my wife talked me into finally doing it
sweet lol i had a chance to buy the screenused mask but didnt jump on it
Thanks Skutt!

Ouch!!! Dang Bro, Now THAT…Looks painful.
hehe, it really wasn’t that bad actually. the most painful part of the entire operation was the fact that the dumb b*tch of a nurse inserted my catheter incorrectly
other than that, I was fine. didn’t even use my pain meds. (although I felt like crying like a baby the first time I sneezed! lol)