3/2 Pics of the DAY! Post ANYTHING...

besides 'Myers"! :wink: :rolleyes: :drinkers:

The X-Rays from when I broke my Ankle:

The Screws & Plates that are now in my Ankle: ( Skate or Die! )

Dan Roebuck…

:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :drinkers: :drinkers: :drinkers: :drinkers: :drinkers: :drinkers: :drinkers: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock:

Now THAT is Boss!

Anything?.. Ok lol

Muhahahaha! Good thread Billy!


old pics

my next sculpt

WTF dumb ass bandwidth

looks paintful!

here’s a few pics after my surgery from last year. I had my chest operated on, so they had to break each rib from my sternum and crack me open, lol. the last pic is an x-ray showing the plate they had to place under my skin to connect my ribs back in place…

(pics could be considered graphic :laughing: )

and a litle humor, lol…

spaz, what is that, I want it!!! LMAO

thats monster man its a good movie

yeah its fuckface from monster man
been wanting to do him for a while
my wife talked me into finally doing it

Ouch!!! Dang Bro, Now THAT…Looks painful.

sweet lol i had a chance to buy the screenused mask but didnt jump on it

Thanks Skutt! :drinkers:

hehe, it really wasn’t that bad actually. the most painful part of the entire operation was the fact that the dumb b*tch of a nurse inserted my catheter incorrectly :smiling_imp: :cry: :blush:

other than that, I was fine. didn’t even use my pain meds. (although I felt like crying like a baby the first time I sneezed! lol)