5 NeW ScoREs

Well, I’ve been holding out to get shots of all 7 of my scores, and more costume pics, but I think I wasted enough time.
So here you go, please enjoy.

First up, THE KILLER from Tommy(myers04) at GHASTLY PRO. A huge thanks to Tommy for this and the Hag, but most of all Tommy did some custom work on a very special mask for me that is not pictured here, but will be up soon.

A Topstone Hag from Tommy at Ghastly Pro

Thanks to Matthew Mayhem for this Don Post Reissue Wolfman B.

Thank you to Sam at HSS for the Retro Dracula I got at Maskfest.

Thank you to Bruce Spaulding Fuller (the guy who made the Jacks Messin’ with Sasquatch mask & suit :smiley: ) for a mask I’ve had my eye on since its debut, The Ghost of Greymoor Manor.

Wow Chase. Those look great. Alot of those pics have a GREAT Halloween feel to them.


GREAT Shots Man… :drinkers: , Those look amazing. :smiley:

BEAUTIFUL!!! :rock: Those shots do indeed give me a pre Halloween fidgit deep in my gut! :smiley:


Agree :open_mouth:
Nice costume shots Chase!
That wolfie kicks ass :rock:

Thank you for the comments. And your right K, that Wolfman has already kicked my ass twice.

Sweet scores man!Love the vibe of the shots and that Wolfman! :open_mouth:

Holy crap dude, these are FANTASTIC pieces, but the photo skills are even more killer!
That Graymoor Manor piece is phenomenal :rock:

Dude you gotta bad ass set up there! Those pics and lighting are totally pro. I feel like I"m on the Haunted Mansion ride at Disneyland. Bad ass masks…I LOVE that Hag!!!
Thanks for the eye candy.



Awsome scores…Dean

Sweet scores there Chase :open_mouth: Congrats!!! I love 'em all…

awesome scores man, those are awesome! :smiley:

Schweeeet scores Chase, really digging that wolfman :sunglasses:

Super cool wolfman!!

Nice scores Swamp! The closet pics are sweet brudda!

Chase that Wolfman is…wow man, just wow! And I might have to pic up a retro Dracula from Sam, those things look very cool. Very nice bloodwork on it.

great refreshing pics, that wolfman is EPIC :open_mouth: You have some incredible back drops which give the masks more personality and add to the atmosphere, really enjoyed thanks for sharing :drinkers:

Chase, some damn great scores there!!! All 5 are awesome, but I love that Greymoor is fantastic!