One scenario i thought about was that he automatically said it was being stuffed or foam filled. We all know this could cause the mask to become distorted or even ruined if not done right. I figured he would come back and say something had happened to the mask during this process and provide pics of some Kirk that barley resembles a 75 and blame it on the foam filling if he provided pics at all.
i should probably stay away from this aftermath thread as well but something didnt sound right to me about it either. EVERYONE has a friend or family member who at least has a cell phone camera they could snapped afew pics with just to show its authenticity.
but the point i knew it was bullshit is when he said he was having it sent to a local mask maker to have it foam filled before any pics were takin of it in its original state. WHAT?!! not a single pic of it in its original condition, he’s going to wait and take pics after its already foam filled? no that is deffinitely bullshit!
now he might have came across some type of later produced kirk he was going to get foam filled and try to pass it off as a 75. maybe tell us well between the age and foam filling it lost detail and shape. but hell no, if he had an original 75 kirk and wasnt willing to take one single pic of it in its original condition before getting it foam filled then im going with my gut instinct, he does not have a 75 kirk to show.
and very well put gummi.
I’m just simply stating the facts.
Most of you turned against him in thread, since he wasn’t a member who regularly posted on the board and you didn’t get to know him, you didn’t give him a chance. I spoke to him on a regular basis when we both got into collecting and he was nothing but a stand up guy.
He said he didn’t have a camera at the time, it does happen you know. I’ve never seen him post a pic here so it’s possible he doesn’t own one.
Also it’s his mask, he has the right wether he wants to show it off or not, and if he does decide to take pics he only has to show them to the possible buyers, that can easily be done through pm or email, which is most likely the best option as some private collectors would like it kept that way.
All I know is that some of you were to quick to judge and I stand by that.
agreed cooperman. after his dream didnt become a reality he couldnt bring himself to tell the board it was a dry run. i think he found some type of kirk mask he so badly wished was a 75 he thought he might actually try to pass it off as one. but when the water got to boiling after people requested pics, he realized no matter if he foam fills it or not he knew he couldnt pass it off as a 75 kirk to the elders of this village.
and his last actions/words were a give away. if he indeed has a 75 kirk he wouldve made everyone eat crow by taking 10 minutes to simply post pics. he knew at that point 99% of the board thought it was b.s so him taking his toys and going home seemed like the easiest route out.
No matter what was said to the guy he needed to put up or shut up. I’m actually glad he shut up as he was digging himself a dumb@ss hole that was nearly too deep to crawl out of. To be honest I do not think anyone was out of line in their replies… it was a string along the entire time… people don’t like to get strung along. Were any of those reactions a surprise? Shouldn’t have been.
No matter how much of a friend he was, is, etc. to anyone here… he lied and that’s a fact. Why repeatedly promise pictures if you do not own a camera? Did he forget he didn’t own a camera in the week leading up to conclusion of his story? Why say you’ve received offers if you ignore interested parties? Why send off a mint mask for foaming if you intended to sell it? None of this makes sense. If it walks like a duck, and talks like a duck… it’s a duck.
We’ve seen this like ten times in the past. Not ONCE did a dramatic story of “…my insert relative here used to collect insert masks, Star Trek, etc., here might have a Kirk mask! Fingers crossed!” ever turn into anything except a BS thread.
I say fulfill his wishes: delete his account and let’s move on.
If I turn out to be wrong, I’ll admit it… but I highly, highly doubt that will happen.
EXACTLY! Now we will never know if he really did get one or not. I love how people act over the PC.
Everyone is your friend face to face, but once your on the PC everyone can be rude.
It’s to bad that people have to act in such terrible ways.
I am basically at a loss of words.
Time for me to take a break for a while.
why make a pulic announcement about it if you are not willing to provide public pics? he was way too excited and wanted everyone to know about his possible find for him to want to keep it under wraps as a private collector. the 75 kirk is such a rare peice now days and very few are in good condition. if you dont feel like sharing your rare peice and dont want any one pressuring you to prove its authenticity then by all means, keep your mouth shut and dont tell a soul about it. because on this site, if you claim to have one and cant show evidence to back your claim then people are going to assume your full of crap.
Just chiming in and reading some.The only fact is - he boosted having in his possession a Kirk 75 in mint condition- made numerous reports when he would post pics and did not. End of story -no pics, no proof = no mask in my books
You are right about the fact that he may not own a camera. If that is true then why would he start this post a while back.
Post Pic Of You Holding Your Favourite MYERS Mask.
by Myers-Is-God on Thu May 28, 2009 10:45 am
Hey guys, it sometimes get weird talking to people on the board and wondering what they look like etc. So post a pic of you holding your favourite myers mask, instead of wearing it. I will post mine soon as my camera charges:)
Well there you have it, i would say his post where he states that he is charging his camera pretty much proves that he did infact own one (unless of course he was actually lying about owning a camera but telling the truth about owning the mask) :finga:
Wow, we’re going as far as to browse through his old posts to prove him wrong, that’s not obsessive
I don’t see any point to thread now, you’re just gunna go round in circles posting the same thing which ‘calling this guy a liar’. which is pretty sad when you think about it. Life’s to short to argue over a mask and surley one post is enough.
I’ve got better things to do with my life thanks.
Don’t forget to put out your ‘mob torches’ when you’re done.
I think the main problem is, you guys criticized him based on what he was going to do with the money and the chances that it really is a Kirk, instead of just waiting for pictures! Had you been patient and waited until AFTER he posted a picture or two, or AT LEAST until Saturday since he said he would confirm it then, you’d have a possibly valid argument. You had one person post a valid point about his method of selling this thing, and ruined your argument by having 4 pages of repetative insult and critique of his morals. Not neccessary, obviously pissed the kid off, and now we may have missed a chance to see a new mint condition DP 75 Kirk (or not).
I don’t think he had one to be completely honest. From what I remember, he said his relative was flying to the house to get it ON Saturday, then sending him a picture to confirm if that was it. Yet, in the thread, he said he himself sent it off on Saturday (geez, you’d think he’d give it a bit of time before making a drastic decision like that…) to be foam filled by a “local” mask maker. This doesn’t exactly make sense now does it? There are a couple fishy details in his posts.
I do hope it is what we all hoped, and he gets some pictures posted soon.