75K Supreme . . . . . CAPTAIN KIRK

This is a NAG 75K Kirk Supreme that I did a few weeks ago and just now getting around to posting it. This one is for Matt Burgett and he wanted it as vintage looking as I could get it… right down to the waxy looking paint, my special Kirk hair and sloppy yellow hair glue. I’ve done maybe 5 or 6 of these Supremes as Kirks now and I have to admit that they are about as good as it gets for a nice Kirk canvas… LOVE THEM! Hopefully I will have a few more coming down the pipe soon to be done this way! :smiling_imp:

Thats insane.
Remarkable work. I love it

Looks fantastic!

Having it in person is all the better too. Thanks again James !


looks so vintage. you nailed it. nice job bud

Beautiful work. I especially love the hair. :drinkers:

:open_mouth: Holy cow! What a beauty. Big Congrats Matt! That will look great with your collection my friend :rock: What you are doing with these masks is downright incredible James. The vintage touches are unreal!

Hands down the best Kirk in existence. Period

And for this reason… I will have one some day.

My goodness that is a sweet Kirk, James… Nice work!

Congratulations to Matt Burgett! …ANDY

I’ve always felt the Supreme made the best Kirk out of the 75K’s, this just solidifies that opinion.

That looks amazing, I love the old shoe glue look. I’d like to see one of these right next to the real deal.

Thanks guys! These Supremes are where it’s at for Kirks… at least for my money :drinkers:

Another one knocked out of the park James! Fleshtones are perfect and that hair is so soft I can feel it from here :laughing:

The Kirk is truly a strange mask. It has this lifeless look about it, and when James gets his hands on one, you can truly feel the creepiness about this mask. It’s no wonder why Carpenter said this was the one.