78 Coveralls

I purchased these for $50 and I’m pretty pleased! They’re Roebuck brand, but look like they have everything the screen used coveralls do, except the top button by the collar… and the color of course. Can any experts tell me more about these Roebucks and if I over spent? They look and feel brand new. And the fit is amazing.

you paid a reasonable amount for those coveralls, in the movie they used sears coveralls for Halloween 1 and 2 but the roebucks are great for a Halloween 2 costume. I’ve paid 50-70 bucks for them before

the one without bullet holes is roebucks and the one with them is creepy customs replica H2 coveralls

You paid a good price, but they’re not close to the Tradewears in H1, the pocket shape is more H2 style, here’s mine for reference

That is a really nice ft, looks good. No homo. Got any pics with the mask in frame?