What can I say… You know his work… You know his name!
James is the man! Thanks for the great work sir and I know it wasn’t an easy fix!
Now for the pics…
Viper: I know what you mean about the eyes but maybe I’ll be able to convince myself that it looks more like the stunt mask where Jamie Lee rips it off MM’s head near the end of H1. The eye cuts were pretty weak on that one too.
This was my first MM mask ever and bought it many many MANY years ago along with a couple 86s which look only slightly different. Might have to get those ‘preserved’ too. This one has always had a soft spot with me.
Thanks for the kind remarks and I’m sure JC appreciates them too.
I’ll post more pictures as soon as it arrives back home.
Thanks for all the positive feedback guys! This one was on deaths bed when I got it. I think it turned out real nice and has some added life now.
Thanks again for the opportunity to bring this one back around D3cay!!! I wish I had the camera and or skills to really make the pics look nice… but you get the true look of it from these pics.
This was the first, pure impression I “perceieved” of that year of mask as a child and it definitely takes me back looking at those pics. I’m sorry to sound cheesy but I’m just in awe of how much that mask makes me realize just how it influenced me with the whole “feel” of the atmosphere of HALLOWEEN. May that feeling live forever. A salute.