99 Shatner, Psycho, etc.

I picked up a lighter backdrop at Walmart the other day so you could better see the hair on the 99 and some other masks. Decided to take shots of a few others:

The screenused Return of the Sandman clown mask

Thats a kickass Shat you got there Matt

Very nice Matt :sunglasses:
Didn’t know you had a clown mask :rock:

Awesome shots matt! :smiley:
That Psycho and 99 is the shit! :rock:

Great pics! Love that Psycho :open_mouth:

You mean the ROTS clown or the H1?

wow matt…that 99 shatner has kirk written all over it!

Thanks for the side views, mine should be here in a while. :sunglasses:

Sorry the H1 :mrgreen:
Forgot you owned one :stuck_out_tongue:

Well, I don’t get to photograph it much since I don’t have a costume to go with it.

Very nice shots Dren!

Those are all sweet masks Matt, I still like the 99 Shatner. James knocked it outa the park. I’m glad you like the ROTS clown :smiley:

Hey, did you add those hair/sideburn lines yourself, or are they in the mold? Just curious.


Damn Matt I love your '99 Shat!

loving the pics bro. btw killa h1clown mask you got there! :smiley:

That psycho looks great.

Most definately

Lookin good Matt. I dig the ROTS clown and wish I could have got it dude! There’s something really eerie about that one :smiling_imp:


Good looking backdrop Matt! Your lighting and shadow effects continue to evolve with each new photo shoot. Nice work my friend on capturing the details in all of your masks beautifully.